NCLEX Canada


Hi there,

I will be immigrating to Canada in July, as the CRNE is changing to NCLEX in 2015, I need to register before landing to Canada to save time. My question to all experts here is that, if I register with US state now? will this registration be acceptable to write NCLEX in Canada

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

That will be up to the provincial college of RN. Even if you pass NCLEX in the US you will still have to meet provincial requirements. Suggest you talk to the provincial college

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Also you are aware that the process to apply with the provincial college can take several months to a year before you get anywhere?

Yes i have came to know about the duration, that is why thought to register to NCLEX US and then write exam here

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

You can't bypass the Colleges of Nursing like that. The outcome could be very unpleasant. If you're moving to Canada, apply for eligibility to write the NCLEX IN CANADA. There will still be provincial college oversight of the Canadian NCLEX, as required by the Health Professionals Acts of each province. You could write the exam in the US, but you'd still have to be granted eligibility to write from the province you plan to live in.

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