Navy NCP GPA requirements


Specializes in Med Surg, Geriatrics.

Question about the NCP for the Navy. The overall GPA of 3.0 is that in all classes or just the nursing ciriculum? I have a lot of credits from different courses. Should I add them all up or just the nursing courses? I am getting ready to transfer colleges into the BSN program and am told I will be a junior in standing. Can you suggest any weight loss of control tips? Thanks! D-

cpt c,

Have you contacted a navy recruiter?

If you are entering in as a junior you are eligible for the 12-24 months of 1k monthly stipend... and to be accepted you don't have to be in the program.. rather have a letter of acceptance, that way you can take care of the paperwork - be 'pseudo in the navy' and starting getting some stipend.

Specializes in Med Surg, Geriatrics.

I spoke with a Navy recruiter for general enlisted and he said that he would put me in contact with a nurse recruiter. I have yet to hear from one. I sent in a card from my college campus to have a recruiter contact me. Hopefully I will hear somthing in the next few weeks or I will have to look online for an officer recruiter. I am looking forward to getting some help with living expenses and tuition. I have a little over 25k in loans right now and it is growing slowly. Thanks for listening and replying!


Cpt C,

You need to ask to speak with a navy healthcare recruiter - not enlisted not an officer recruiter... it will be an officer who is a health care recruiter. You should be able to get their number from any local recruiting station... call around if they don't have it - as the healthcare recruiter might not directly be local in your city but rather at the state level ;)

Specializes in Neuro, Surgical, Trauma and ICU..

I can get my navy healthcare recruiter to pull up the contact person for you if you have the zipcode. I can shoot her an email. She's great!

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