National University San Diego

U.S.A. California


Has anyone had any luck with applying at National University for their nursing program? I applied back in Oct 06 and have been waiting to hear from them. They are supposed to notify in 3 months. I have called and called and written email upon emails with no response really. :banghead: Please, if anyone has applied and received some sort of letter, I would greatly appreciate your reply.


Hi ladies! I'm sorry, I don't mean to change the subject here, but I was just curious about a few things. I am from the Fresno NU and will be starting on May 4th! I was actually supposed to start with you ladies in SD (which sounded like it would've been a blast.. you all seem so fun :), but declined since I found out that I got into the Fresno campus (it's aloooot closer for me since i'm from the bay area).

anyway, i was just curious about your curriculum - if it's the same as ours. are you using the book "physical examination & health assessment" by Jarvis? also, gnomik79, you said you're getting 79.6%.. is that like the average score for the class right now? it sounds like all of you study super hard, and i'm sure putting your heart into it.

did you guys also get the ATI Nclex success package? (that stack of books?) sorry for all the questions, i was just curious to how the SD NU compares to the Fresno NU. thanks! and good luck in all your studies :D

Hi muimui! I am with gnomik and tuquis in the April cohort and yes, that is the book we are using... I saw that you are starting May 4th... does Fresno do it differently with the start dates? I know in SD it's January, April, July and October. Our class is really intense as I'm sure you have read from the girls. From April 6th-May 2nd we are responsible for the entire Jarvis book. We just had our midterm for the first 16 chapters on Monday and the average test grade from what I've heard from people was like mid C range. I'm so happy I was able to pull an 85% yay! :D Basically, as the girls have said be prepared to STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! The program is no joke...

As for the ATI books and dvd's, we did get them but I haven't even looked at them really. Further down the line I plan on using them.

If you have any questions feel free to ask! :)

Thanks for the advice gnomik79 and shady602...

Sounds like a really crazy schedule... really got me worried! I do understand what you mean gnomik79, I really do... but then Im so torn inside. I don't want to put my family on hold. I've been waiting long enough. Yes, this is a really bad timing... but what can I do? I feel like I will regret not having a child... sorry I don't know what to say... I'm really confused and don't know what to do...

Do you guys work as well?

Thanks again...

Sounds like you've pretty much made up your mind already on what you want. Good luck with whatever you decide. To answer your question: I quit my full time job, and don't work any more at all. I an trying to take out a loan for living expenses. Some other girls in our class work on a part time basis. But everyone's situation is different: some are married with children, some are single, some have a good support system and some don't. If I didn't have a child, I would probably work a few hours (10-15 hrs) each week, just for some extra cash. But that's not the case. As soon as I pick him up from daycare, it's nearly impossible to study. Plus my husband is also working and going to school, so we have to compromise: i watch my son - he studies, then i study and he watches him... Anyhow, a lot of factors are involved here...

Hi ladies! I'm sorry, I don't mean to change the subject here, but I was just curious about a few things. I am from the Fresno NU and will be starting on May 4th! I was actually supposed to start with you ladies in SD (which sounded like it would've been a blast.. you all seem so fun :), but declined since I found out that I got into the Fresno campus (it's aloooot closer for me since i'm from the bay area).

anyway, i was just curious about your curriculum - if it's the same as ours. are you using the book "physical examination & health assessment" by Jarvis? also, gnomik79, you said you're getting 79.6%.. is that like the average score for the class right now? it sounds like all of you study super hard, and i'm sure putting your heart into it.

did you guys also get the ATI Nclex success package? (that stack of books?) sorry for all the questions, i was just curious to how the SD NU compares to the Fresno NU. thanks! and good luck in all your studies :D

Well like Ashley said the books are the same, also to answer your other question yes the AVERAGE grade in the class as of now seems to be in the mid-C range! And believe me, we are NO slackers. 4 People have already left this program/cohort, to either start again..or I don't know. You have to go into this understanding that school is your new husband/wife, studying is your new pass-time, and writing papers/doing projects is what will replace your sleep. We have Gone to 6 theory classes and 6 labs in less than 3 weeks, every week we over about 6-8 chapters. We have had 1 quiz and a midterm, 1 comprehensive assessment paper that averaged about 10 pages, a day at the SNF (a Saturday, they told us about 3 days before we had to go), 2 group projects, a scholarly paper, a basic vital signs pass/fail test, and not to mention this whole time we are studying and practicing for our skills lab, that we have to take a test with a live model that is pass/fail THIS thursday to see if we can go on in the program.

Let me give you a break down of next week. Mind you this is our 3rd week of class, we are only skipping ONE chapter in the Jarvis book (Infants Ch 26 or something)

Monday: Quiz Ch17-23

Tuesday: Complete Physical Examination paper due.

Wedsday: Final goup projecgt w/evaluations & Adendum due, and group presentations

Thursday: Skills test on Ch 1-30 Pass/Fail

Saturday: Final Ch17-30. This class is over

That following Monday: Our second class, Pharmocology begins, they say this is the second hardest class in nursing school, next to Med-Surg.

Don't worry about the questions that is what we are here for in the first place I know that feeling of not knowing, I was there less that a month ago although now it feels like forever ago! :D If you have any other questions, we are a chatty bunch of girls so when we have time we sure will anser!


Hello! I am in the OB/ Labor and Delivery rotation at National. Boks are very expensive and to save a couple of dollars, I use the last edition. For example, if the syllabus calls for the 7th edition, get the 6th. There are some slight changes, yet I have had no problems with this acedemically. I bought my L&D book for $3 on Amazon. I make mainly B's.

Just a wink!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!!!

Tuquies: I'm a little confused after your week schedule... So how many days are you in class? It seems you have something due almost everyday... I thought that there wasn't class everyday?!?!

thank you Tuquies and PrettyinPink57! I appreciate your posts very much! very insightful!

PrettyinPink, I am actually not sure of myself of Fresno's start dates... All i know is that Fresno started their first cohort of last November, and then the second cohort (mines) will be starting in May, and then the third one will be in November. So, maybe there's only 2 start dates a year for now? maybe because we're a new program here.

it sounds soo crazy! but doable since you ladies are still hanging in there :yeah:when you say a live model, does that mean one of your classmates will be the live model? or like a patient in a nursing home?

also, did you find your ipod touch useful? i'm debating whether i really need one or not. anyways, good luck ladies on your paper, project, and test (wow that's crazy..all in one week!) i know you will all pass! :D

Hey Bubbles2610,

I am in Cohort 18 program with gnomik, tuquies and pretty in pink :), and we have two days of theory (mon & wed) 9-1230 - not even enough time, usually we stay 10 or 15 mins later..and labs on mon/wed or tues/thurs (they put u in groups) from 5 -10:30 supposedly, but our instructors gave us the choice of an earlier time like 415-845p as long as we get 4 1/2 hours of lab time. Yes! There is something due almost every day - I mean its a semester long class (4-5mos) down to 1 month!!! If not homework, there is 4-5 chapters of reading!! every other day! Its really intense. I read that you wanted to have a baby..if you and your partner are not rushing maybe, it might be easier for u to focus on this program...i remember during orientation the faculty told us strictly this is NOT the time for babies or WEDDING PLANS..

But, everyone is different, it all depends on ur own schedule and study habits. I work p/t and have a husband - no kids; it's already w/ just me and my supportive husband - there's just not enough time given for school ( i mean, 1 month! )that you'll need ur OWN personal spare time, to study and read, review and practice skills..write papers, projects,.etc.

Goodluck, I hope you'll make a decision that will positively impact you and your family.

Take Care.

work p/t and have a husband - no kids; it's already.. "DIFFICULT" w/ just me

Thanks mommalumps! If you don't mind me asking, how has the program been for you? I am almost done with health assessment, and am moving on to pharm next month. What has been the hardest class for you? :) Thanks!

Wow! Thanks so sharing that! BUt my question is : Do they provide you with a study guide outline or atleast tell you what they expect you to know for the quizes , midterms, finals?

Well like Ashley said the books are the same, also to answer your other question yes the AVERAGE grade in the class as of now seems to be in the mid-C range! And believe me, we are NO slackers. 4 People have already left this program/cohort, to either start again..or I don't know. You have to go into this understanding that school is your new husband/wife, studying is your new pass-time, and writing papers/doing projects is what will replace your sleep. We have Gone to 6 theory classes and 6 labs in less than 3 weeks, every week we over about 6-8 chapters. We have had 1 quiz and a midterm, 1 comprehensive assessment paper that averaged about 10 pages, a day at the SNF (a Saturday, they told us about 3 days before we had to go), 2 group projects, a scholarly paper, a basic vital signs pass/fail test, and not to mention this whole time we are studying and practicing for our skills lab, that we have to take a test with a live model that is pass/fail THIS thursday to see if we can go on in the program.

Let me give you a break down of next week. Mind you this is our 3rd week of class, we are only skipping ONE chapter in the Jarvis book (Infants Ch 26 or something)

Monday: Quiz Ch17-23

Tuesday: Complete Physical Examination paper due.

Wedsday: Final goup projecgt w/evaluations & Adendum due, and group presentations

Thursday: Skills test on Ch 1-30 Pass/Fail

Saturday: Final Ch17-30. This class is over

That following Monday: Our second class, Pharmocology begins, they say this is the second hardest class in nursing school, next to Med-Surg.

Don't worry about the questions that is what we are here for in the first place I know that feeling of not knowing, I was there less that a month ago although now it feels like forever ago! :D If you have any other questions, we are a chatty bunch of girls so when we have time we sure will anser!

Study Guides??? Um... No! You are responsible to study pretty much everything. They may tell you like "well, don't concentrate on this abnormality" for instance but that's about it. Each chapter has about 10-15 abnormalities, and the prof may skip 1-2 if that. So, you do the math. The midterm questions are mostly critical thinking in nature BUT there were some anatomy and abnormality questions. And since you don't know which one you will be asked on, you have to study them all if you want to do well. The prof has power pt presentations but since she goes over 4 chapters a day, her pp presentations are more like an outline, so you will have to read the book anyways to learn the details. I hate to disappoint you but some of our professors just expect us to figure things out on our own and are not good at being clear on what's expected of us.

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