National University BSN Cohort 46

Nursing Students School Programs


I just applied to National University's Generic Entry BSN program for Cohort 46. Anyone else?:)

I just found this and I am thinking it's accurate.

To calculate your science base points take your GPA multiply it by 10, divide by 40 and multiply it again by 30. To calculate your TEAS points take your score divide it by 100 and multiply it by 30.

And I believe the points for the essay works like this

5/5 - 20 points

4/5- 16 points

3/5- 12 points

2/5- 8 points

and does anyone know if they still give 20 points for not having to retake a science class twice?

I just applied as well. Goodluck to us all!

I applied to cohort 46. My GPA is 3.85, TEAS score 82% which i was OK with because I didn't study as much as I should have (basically 1 week of cramming). I expect very high score on essay.

How did everyone else do with their GPA and TEAS who applied?


Hi guys! I applied with a 4.0 GPA and 89% on my TEAS. We should be hearing in the next few weeks if we get in! Ahh I'm so nervous!

Hi Guys, Have any of you heard from National about when they will be posting the essay scores?

I don't think they post the essay scores. Once they send out acceptance emails you can contact the nursing department and request to have your essay score sent to you. I think we will get acceptance emails by the end of the month. I don't think they will be sent before January 15th because that's when the next application date for cohort 47 closes. If that makes sense haha :)

awesome thank you! Did you take microbiology with Levin in September possibly?

Haha I did! We were probably in the same class!

Yup! pretty sure you sat behind me. Haha

I was looking at the other cohorts and it seems like the usually start showing accepted or not in the student portal on the Saturday after the next cohort closes. So that means this Saturday we should start seeing them!! Fingers crossed everyone!

Hopefully! I was thinking for sure by the 22nd..Hoping to see the status change to "under final review" soon!

Did anyone get their acceptance/alternative/deny yet?

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