Published Mar 15, 2020
2,233 Posts
I pray that God will be with all people throughout the world who have lost loved ones, who are currently ill, those with anxiety who are awaiting results, those who will become infected, our leaders who make decisions, and last but not least all healthcare workers.
Please do not forget to pray today (and everyday) for those affected by the Covid virus.
975 Posts
I pray that the fear in all our hearts will be replaced with His peace.
217 Posts
I am confused. Mr President is supposed to represent every citizen. Why would he quote 1 Peter 5:7?
Perhaps you should ask him yourself. This is not a time for contention.
13 minutes ago, sevensonnets said:Perhaps you should ask him yourself. This is not a time for contention.
Perhaps you should ask him yourself. This is not a time for contention.
I doubt that you would say the same thing if he cited Zhuangzi instead.This is not the time for division, either. He is well aware that not every citizen shares his religion. Quoting a specific holy book as a guidance for a whole country that is supposed to be inclusive to all people is not what a president should do.This is not contention. This is respect and caring for all American citizens' traditions, not solely his faith.