Published Dec 12, 2012
34 Posts
Hi, I'm doing some research on combined care of NAS infants and moms. This is when the moms room in to learn how to take care of their infant and at the same time get rehab for the addiction.
I have used this model on a limited basis with great results, shorter stays, less need for meds, lower finnigans etc.
I would like to know if anyone has used this model.
There is a hospital in Canada that does this.
But for those that work in a traditional NICU I would also like to know what the nurse infant ratio is for NAS infants. Thanks.
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
When the kids are in the normal nursery( not requiring high doses of Meds) they try to get the moms to board and have the baby with them. It doesn't always work out as when census goes up they have to kick boarders out. We don't have private rooms in our NICU so the moms can't stay with the baby 24/7.
We try to only give one other patient with the NAS kids but we sometimes have to take 2 or 3 other ones with them depending on staffing and census. We do use cuddlers when they are available.
When the kids are in the normal nursery( not requiring high doses of Meds) they try to get the moms to board and have the baby with them. It doesn't always work out as when census goes up they have to kick boarders out. We don't have private rooms in our NICU so the moms can't stay with the baby 24/7.We try to only give one other patient with the NAS kids but we sometimes have to take 2 or 3 other ones with them depending on staffing and census. We do use cuddlers when they are available.
Hi. Thanks for the response. Are you in a NICU in the US? When it works out that the mom can board, do you see a difference in the infants symptoms? Just curious.
walkingrock, ADN
178 Posts
haven't ever seen mom/baby care like you mention. We usually have 2 or 3 infants in assignment, but hopefully, only 1 is withdrawing; they are difficult patients to manage.
Their scores are sometimes lower if the mom comes and holds the baby a lot, but it doesn't seem to stop the symptoms like tremors, etc, it decreases the crying sometimes. The moms board but when the kids are in NICU the moms don't board in our unit, they are on another floor.