Published Jun 7, 2018
42 Posts
I just completed IOP treatment and can finally go back to work. My case manager told me there are no restrictions on my license until I get a board order. I asked her how long this can take and she replied "if I had a crystal ball I would tell you." She said this can sometimes take up to a year. And then told me to just go find a job. I have been an ER nurse for 5 years and ER is what I love and it's all I know. I applied for a ER position last night and already got a call for an interview. My question is... how long did it take for you to get restrictions placed on your license? How long did your restrictions last? I've heard of one girl that agreed to take narcan everyday for six months in exchange for a narcotic restriction. I'm just worried about getting the ER job, and then BAM getting hit with these restrictions and getting fired. Should I still go for the job or look for something more "monitoring friendly?" Thanks so much!
sissiesmama, ASN, RN
1,897 Posts
Hi - not sure what specific restrictions you may get but in Louisiana ours were -
No night shifts, no OT
No ER, ICU, no OR / PACU, no charge
No narcs
Can't be the only nurse on a unit
No home health or agency work.
I hope this helps you a little.
Anne, RNC