Published Jun 7, 2015
1 Post
I joined NAPNES at the strong suggestion of our Dean of Nursing. Upon paying my dues and logging on, I don't see any recent activity on their website. The last nursing journals were from 2011. Is anyone a member? I'm hoping I didn't get ripped off.
mc3, ASN, RN
931 Posts
I was looking in to joining either NAPNES or NFLPN. I once belong to NFLPN but I didn't really see any benefit so I stopped. I looked at NAPNES recently and I thought the same thing you did - doesn't look like much is going on.
I hope someone can fill us in!
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
Doesn't look like much is going on. Hopefully you paid for the $10.00 membership fee?