My Introduction

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hello all, I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself. I've been lurking for a while now! I'm at the very beginning of this journey to become an RN (ADN program) and I'm nervous, terrified, excited and a little overwhelmed! :) I'm planning to attend Johnston Community College in Smithfield and I'm curious if anyone can offer any advice or experience. I have gone through all the admissions requirements and I realize that I am going to have to take a bunch of classes for a couple of semesters before I can apply to the nursing program. I see alot of talk about pre-req's and some people are saying they have to take A&P and things like that. When I look at the ADN program for JCC, A&P I and II are listed in the courses, so those wouldn't be considered pre-req's would they?? Arent those the courses that you start once you are actually IN the nursing program? I sure hope so because I have alot of courses that I need to take just to get me to that point. CHM 131 and BIO 110 plus I'm a little deficient in math so I will probably need MAT 080, maybe even 070! :( I REALLY want to be able to start nursing school by fall 2010, over a year from now. So I'm hoping I can accomplish everything before then. Oh and I need to have my CNA before June of next year too! It seems like such a daunting task, it seems like this whole process is going to take me 2 years just to be READY for nursing school and then I am reading about all these points systems and 2 year waiting lists and tests you have to take before you even get into the nursing school. I'm just feeling very confused by it all. I know different schools have different rules but it only adds to my confusion. I have been reading about the shortage of nurses and how it's only going to get worse in our state. Yet it seems like people are clammering to get INTO these programs, just not being accepted for whatever reason. I guess I'm feeling a little discouraged. Pardon my ignorance lol. I just sorta expected to apply for nursing school and be on my way to being an RN! I didn't realize there was so much involved. It isn't going to deter me - I am 100% committed to it. I just am one of those people that likes to know what to expect and with soooo much information out there, alot of it very conflicting information (for example the JCC website doesn't mention ANYthing about a waiting list or competitive program to get in).....I don't feel like I have a clear picture of how long this is going to take and what goals I have to meet to get there. Anyone have any pearls of wisdom to share with this noob? :)


This question doesn't pertain to the original post, but it looks like a lot of people responding are in the NC region. I am currently finishing up some pre-req's at a CT community college and I already have a BA in Communications from Univesity of Conneticut. However, I've changed my career path and am pursuing an AD in nursing. My plan has been to apply for Fall 2010 to a CT community college for nursing, but recently I have become homesick for my family who just moved to Wilson, NC two years ago. I'm planning on applying to the Wilson CC ADN program, but I'm wondering if anyone can give me some feedback on the school? Is a reputable program? Do students seem to get the appropriate experience and exposure through the clinical hours? Is the curriculum helpful in preparing a nurse take the NCLEX after graduation, etc? Any information AT ALLL would be super helpful in making my decision to attend there if I get in.

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