My first nursing job!!


Hi everyone!!

I love and read the forums on a regular basis!! There is always something interesting :) Since you have all been a source of strength when reading your vents, struggles, etc. and an inspiration when I read your amazing stories... I just wanted to share with all of you my first nursing job!! I'm beginning my final preceptorship in a city ER to sharpen up some skills and consolidate my practice, ((hopefully the RN exam is a pass))and that I've just accepted a job on a surgical unit in a rural hospital....I'm confused about the right thing to do, but from everything I've read on here, med/surg is a good place to start and certainly won't go to waste....I can't wait!!!


Specializes in LTC.

Good luck and congratulations!! I'd love the opportunity one day to work in the ER. and this website has also been a godsend to me too in the past couple of months.

You just can't spill all your worries and questions to your non nursing friends/family

I have my second interview Wednesday for my first LPN position

Yay! Congrats. I'm not sure if you joined the ranks of the large group of us new grads who have been so desperate to get a job this past 6 months or more and posting on this website about it, but I also just got a job!

I have to move many states away, but I've come to terms with it and I'm so excited.

I think many of us made similar choices and just moved away...

Congrats! yay for us! :yeah:

Congrats to the both of you!! :)

Congrats you guys! :anpom:I'm still currently searching for one around the bay area. Wish me luck! :nuke:

Best of Luck, From what I can see on here, that's a difficult place to find work, I wish you all the best with your job search!

Congratulations!!! isn't it wonderful to see your hopes and dreams come to life? :yeah:

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