My Breaking Point!

Nurses LPN/LVN


Okay, I hear you guys and yes have taken what you say into consideration but most of you just don't hear me saying: I leave the aides alone, I don't go behind them, I don't even try to get into their way, I am too busy to do all this yet, I have been in the bosses office saying I was speaking to the aides and they complained. I don't yell nor ask them to do anything unless a person living in the facility needs something, the aides know their jobs, yet I still get pulled in and complained on. I am so over this. I try to do an excellent job in communicating, but I still get pulled in and thrown under the bus every time! Its not everyone, or at least I don't think so because I know of 3 that have complained.

I am not perfect in any world here, but I honestly do try and I even stop before speaking to make sure I say the right things and how I say it, but I am still being pushed, shoved around here! I have a tape recorder and have been told I cannot use it, I explained that I have told every aide I have it for a learning tool to hear myself and to protect myself, but my employer says no I cannot use it that it is a violation of their privacy, okay, I get that, but its not like I am playing it over the interent, this is for me and to protect me and my name and my reputation as well as hear myself. So I live in a State wehere it is legal to tape if one party knows about the recording, and yes, more than one party knows. So what now?

I'd rather not work than work in a toxic enviroment, it takes such a toll on a person. I know how this can affect you as I left a job abt 5 yrs ago due to similar reason, and unable to do anything abt it as it was a mom and pop place and the person was their daughter.

I would carry the recorder regardless, maybe not talk abt having it any longer, but CYA and GOOD LUCK, but remember life is to short to take this crap. IF nothing else, maybe you can use it for unemployement comp while your looking for something better. (Here in Texas though, we have a job waiting tje second ya leave a place, so no unsch. vacations! LOL)

Sorry your being bullied. ON THE OTHER HAND, maybe YOU could complain that your being bullied and is there a reason you can think of that they might be doing this? I'd throw that in to also if you have an idea WHY. If no answers from onsite admin, then climb the ladder if you just have to work at this place. Either way your kidding yourself if you think this will just stop of it's own accord.

So sorry and MUCH LUCK.

I see you have several threads about work drama. I think it's time to start looking for a new job. Sometimes a job is just a bad fit and there is no fixing it.

Thanks Elladora...I need a bit of a shoulder right now....I am not looking to change jobs, I really do like what I do there, its hard but I think with some self discipline on my own, leaving the aides totally alone and disappearing until they need me, well, that is where I may take this. I help when asked, I do my job, allow them to do theirs and clock out.....time is going to heal this I am sure, with prayer and diligence and knowing when to shut up, when to listen and when to simply walk away is my new motto....

I am firm believer what comes around goes around, and this too will bite someone in the lets say...nicely, buttocks...

thanks again, knoxville, tn

working in a small office is hard....but i can do this....

working every other weekend with others is hard, but I can do this

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