Published Nov 10, 2009
10 Posts
I want to get feedbacks on what to specialize in MSN? I am thinking of going back to school and taking my masters. I have a BSN so it should be shorter to finish MSN. However, I do not know which area I should specialized in? I like working with the doctor in the office, or working in the hospital as a Nsg supervisor perhaps and I also like education... Which one? I am at a lost...
How much do you normally spend in taking MSN?
805 Posts
If you don't know what you want to do, how is anyone here meant to know? Why do you want to get a Masters in the first place?
14,633 Posts
Most MSN programs lock you into a particular professional role or career path -- I suggest you first figure out where you want your career to go, and then figure out what graduate degree you need to get you there. Best wishes!
Otessa, BSN, RN
1,601 Posts
I agree with this. I said that I would ALWAYS get my Masters. I didn't start my masters until I had been a nurse for 15 years-knew where I was headed .
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
I agree that seeking the degree comes AFTER you decide what you want to do. Another approach is to go to the graduate school, talk to an advisor about what career paths the various tracks will prepare you to do.
As for time - depends on how much time you spend in the degree program. Obviously part time takes longer than full time. The degree plan will be an indication.