Mount St.Mary's College ADN admits/students

U.S.A. California


Do you mind sharing with me your stats (grades,teas,etc)? I'm very interested in applying for Spring 2015 but I'm scared I don't have the grades :/ Your info would be really helpful! Thank you.

Update: I got a call about 30 minutes ago and scheduled my interview.


I've read that most pre-nursing students don't get interviewed. There's also more space for pre-nursing students so your chances are much higher of getting in! Don't worry too much, I'm sure you'll be fine!

I was invited on Thursday October 30, I also made my appointment interview today. At what time is your interview/day? I'm so excited, giving good vibes I hope we all get in!

My interview is this Friday, November 7th at 1:40 pm. When is yours? I'm excited and nervous at the same time! Thank you. Good luck!! I hope we all get in too :)

It is on Wednesday at 2:40pm

Good luck ladies!

Mandrade, please let me know how it goes!

LJ, thank you!!

Did they send any questions regarding the interview? As far as what they may ask

Lj, ashhhd

yes I will let you guys know. They said to be prepared to talk about your support system, and your work experience in the healthcare.

Hi Mandrade!

How did your interview go?

Ashh, when is your interview?

I haven't scheduled one yet. I have to call back tomorrow because the slots left did not work with my schedule so he said he will work something out for me for sometime next week. I hope I get one as soon as possible, I'll know tomorrow.

Oh I see. Do you know if interviews were only scheduled this week? Or if there's been interviews going on for awhile? I'm supposed to have mine Friday but he asked to reschedule because my interviewer won't be in on Friday. So I'll have mine next week too!

I'm not sure. Which day next week?

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