Motivation Music

Nursing Students General Students


:monkeydance: Okay I am one of those people who uses music to pump me up and get me motivated. :monkeydance: I found a song and I am not sure this is the right title but she says over and over "I gotta get through this!" I think it is by Danielle Beddingfield? So.. I was going to burn a CD to listen to on the way to school to wake me up and get some determination flowing and I was wondering what songs does everyone else listen to to get pumped up and inspired?

I have a big test on Monday and I wanted to get it made so I can listen to it on the way to the test. It also keeps my stress down b/c if not I will work myself in a tizzy before I get there.


Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg/Oncology.


by Christina Aguilera

Here's the chorus:

'Cause it makes me that much stronger

Makes me work a little bit harder

It makes me that much wiser

So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster

Made my skin a little bit thicker

Makes me that much smarter

So thanks for making me a fighter

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