Published Jun 27, 2013
1 Post
Any tips for a new mom about to being the nursing program? Anyone still breast feeding during clinicals?
2 Posts
Hi, as a mom of 4, I would say make sure that you have a support system in place. I have friend who started her LPN program when her baby was only 2 months old. She also has two other children. I can tell you that she has a great support system and her mother and sister helps her with the kids. I on the other hand, only have my husband and maybe one other person who might be able to help me if I am accepted into the program. But, with planning and organization, things will be doable. Good luck!
11 Posts
I personally dont have any feedback because my 3 children are 9,6,4. my only challenge is that now all my kids would be going to school and i would need to split homework help time with my and my husband, plus my own homework lol...but i do COMMEND any mommy going back to school...especially nursing school...good luck
20 Posts
I would have to agree with the others. A support system is a MUST! I have 4 daughter's ages 10, 6,4,10mos. My baby was 8 mos old when I started, and it has been struggle. But I have to remind myself and my family that I am doing this because it has always been my dream and to provide a better life for us. My poor husband has had to take on a major role change and do the job of both mom and dad, he's been truly amazing! One word of advice would be to take time out for them, because it will absolutely wear you down, if you don't! Finding time is the hardest part, and when you do try not to feel guilty about the time your spending with your family or even studying! I spend the weekends with my family as much as I can, but in order to do that I wake up early in the morning and study before the kids wake up that way when they are awake I can spend the rest of the day with them. I also pick a day out of the week to do ALL my homework! that way I can study and read my chapters the rest of the week without worrying about getting my homework done.. Good luck!
I ❤️ Nursing, LPN
129 Posts
It's not easy and you will definitely feel torn and guilty most of the time, but as the others said, as long as you have a great support system you can do it. It'll be over before you know it. I have 3 kids, ages 11,8 and 6 and it's been tough, especially when I'm juggling all of their homework on top of mine. I had 2 other women in my class that came in prego and gave birth a couple of months in. One planned her c-section right before a 4 day weekend and made it back after the weekend, a real trooper and a great mom as well, and she has 3 babies all under age 3. Crazy right? My point is, you make it work, that's it. Support, sacrifices and that light at the end if the tunnel. Good luck to you!
Philly_LPN_Girl, LPN
718 Posts
When I first started school I used to breast feed. I used to drink this tea every night called mother's milk tea to produce extra milk. I did let my teachers know ahead of time that I was breast feeding and there was a possibility that I was going to have to pump during class however, my breasts filled up in the middle of the day and I pumped as soon as I got home. As far as having children, I agree with everyone else about have a support system. I have a 7 year old who will be 8 soon and a 1 month old and there are times when I needed a baby sitter for when schools were closed (very rare), if they got sick, I had to be a clinicals at 7am and my kids daycare used to open up at 630 so my parents used to take my children to school etc. You can do it and good luck
17 Posts
Find an excellent babysitter! Start early, interview many and go with your gut. And get back up for your babysitter and back up for your back up!! I'm one week into my program and it is a very different dynamic from what I am used to. I work fulltime as well, which makes it tough. In any case, I've had tons of trouble finding the right childcare provider.
You CAN do this! Remember that pumping is your right. You must be provided with an outlet, a sink to clean your pump parts and a private room to pump in. You may have to pump while you eat lunch, but it is what it is. Best of luck!