Morning PPD/Medicare meeting


Please give advice on how to improve this meeting, difficult therapy manager, does NOT comprehend the MDS nurse needs minutes, timely, in written form, not...later,...I think he/she had this many very inexperienced, no other nurses have working knowledge of MDS. 2 new MDS coordinators, overwhelmed

Specializes in long term care - MDS.

I would start with a one on one with the therapy mgr. and in a non-threatening way let them know that you need minutes no later that 2days after ARD. Remind him/her in morning mtg. that this and that ARD are coming due and you will need minutes. Continue to mention every morning in stand up until you get them. Make this a habit if you need to.

This is one of the longest on-going struggles I've seen with MDS and I've been doing them over 10 yrs. You can always email the rehab mgr. with a cc: to the administrator. No one wants to get anyone in trouble, but then you need to get your assessments completed or you are in trouble and if your assessments are late and the administrator has to get on daily phone mtgs with corporate, he/she will want to know why they weren't informed of the situation. The rehab mgr. may be having trouble with their staff entering their minutes timely. We're all feeling the pinch. While everyone is looking out for their own neck, you watch out for yours. Better to come across as the B-achh from the beginning than be the pushover everyone takes for granted. You might think you are being nice, but in the end no one will care, it's your job to keep everyone on task. good luck!! :-)

Specializes in ED, Long-term care, MDS, doctor's office.

I agree to let the administrator know, too...They will not let anything affect the possibility of ending up with default days..

Thanks for the advice. Surprizingly enough, the Administrator here is a little miffed at me for pushing this constantly, not sure why, just that i seem to be upsetting the apple cart as it were. Glad to hear its not just me that gets frustrated regarding these minutes, it's such a silly issue, and SO easily rectified. It's a shame that managers cannot just participate and assist nursing rather than avoid, thwart, point fingers etc. I have met with her individually, and she could only tolerate me one on one for less than a minute, then she acutally ran to the administrator and reported herself, then we had a pow-wow and then..more to this story later this week. I am waiting with baited breath to see if she can figure out how to give me minutes first thing tomorrow morning, OR?


Maybe an approach that the TEAM needs to know the days/minutes could work. Just like the team would to know daily if a patient was still on a vent and being suctioned, the team needs to know rehab days/minutes daily. :D

Total/cumulative minutes for a 7 day lookback MUST be available the following day in case the ARD must be moved.

Good luck, because it will only be getting more & more :eek: complicated!

Thanks everyone, great advice. Much appreciated.

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