More frustration as an MD or an NP?


I am on the fence right now as to whether I am going to pursue medical school or going for my masters (acute care NP) in nursing. I have always been an over-acheiver: graduated 4th in my high school class, started college pre-med; my sister was her HS validictorian, and much more but that's not the point.

I don't want anybody to have the opportunity to disrespect me. Should I suck it up and do med school pre-reqs and apply there as an older student (currently 26 and female), or go on to be an acute care nurse practitioner as I've been planning on as of late.

Anyone else been on the fence like this?? Right now I don't have a husband or kids so that won't hold me back...I LOVE being at the hospital and want to always be involved in the most interesting cases. Any thoughts?

I've always been of the opinion that I want to avoid the DNP route. Simply because, while I have been viewed as a gifted writer in school, I hate it. I don't want to do a thesis. That's it. If that's lazy, so be it. I love the clinical, hands-on stuff that MDs get in residency.

I know someone who had to write a thesis for her MSN. Presumably, for PhD in nursing, you'll have to write a dissertation. Likewise for a DNP, though it might be practice oriented. Your mileage may vary, depending on the program.

Have you considered being a physician's assistant? It's a quicker path to working, and you probably already have the pre-reqs done. If you have the grades, dedication, and time, then go for an MD or DO degree. Just be aware of the issues involved in pursing a career as an MD.

I can personally say that I started out in nursing. Have my BSN RN and I am now finishing my postbac certificate to get ready for med school. I thought about med school since I was a junior in nursing school. I worked for a year in a hospital and decided that a career in medicine is more suited for me. I have such a thirst for medical knowledge. That worked out great for me, it will take a little longer, but I made sure it was what I wanted to do and I can make some money before medical school instead of the typical broke premed student lol.

My biggest piece of advice is, don't listen to the people that say you have to make up your mind and do one or the other. That is garbage and they have no clue what they are talking about. Medical schools look favor upon postbac people and I have a lot of support from the school I am at. They have said that makes you a unique canidate and have said how far ahead my clinical and communication skills will be compared to other incoming medical students. If it were me I would stay in the nursing route and see how you feel. No need to rush the decision. Btw I am 25 and as someone else said, the average matriculation age for medical school is 25-35yrs of age. Do not get frushtrated, enjoy the journey and be patient, you will find out what you want/meant to do over time. Good luck and hope this helps!

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