Montgomery College Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi :) I couldn't find a thread for Fall 2018 so I decided to make one. My name is Ana and I have applied for the Fall semester. I am just anxiously waiting for these next few weeks to go by so I can find out if I am accepted. Please feel free to post under this thread.

My TEAS score is 89

A&P I - C

A&P II - B

Chem 101 - B

Bio Chemistry - C

Microbiology - A

My overall GPA is 3.4

I'm so nervous b/c my science GPA is not the best. . .but I try to calm myself b/c they only need 2.5 GPA.

Just knowing that 250 students applied is nerve racking.

What about u? How is ur stats?

Btw have u gone for the info session? If so please tell me what else they said? Like something helpful that will Calm my nerves.

My TEAS score was a 79 - should probably have studied for it...

My science GPA is a 4.0 and overall is a 3.95

I know of people who have managed to get in with a 3.2 GPA - so there is still a good chance that you will get in.

I went to an information session last summer - it was mostly a tour of the facilities, a sample lecture class and we had a chance to speak to some faculty during lunch. Nothing you can't find out online. The important sessions are the mandatory orientation sessions that are held for those who get accepted. I might be wrong, but I think they focus more on your A&P and Micro grades than on chem, and with that, I think you might have a good shot at getting in :)

So for the most part the information session just covered the basics from the packet. The director was saying that they first choose applicants based off of the priority course completed first, then teas, the gpa. She also stated that although there was 250 applicant not every met the minimum requirements. They also send out 180 admission letters because many people don't reply or decline. SO DONT STRESS LADIES.

If anyone starts to get the letters please let us know so others can be on the lookout for them! Thanks :)

UPDATE: I just called the admissions office to find out if letters have gone out and they stated they won't be sent until JUNE!

I've been waiting by the door every time the mail comes! Did they say when in June? Like early or mid June?

Oh no! Glad to know...hope it comes in early June!

So have I! Nope they didn't specify :( just cross our fingers its sooner rather than later.

UPDATE#2: I got my letter today via certified mail! I just got home and my mom said she signed something for me! If your curious I live in Germantown. Good Luck everyone!

Congratulations!! See you in the Fall, I got mine today!

I RECEIVED MY LETTER. I live in a single family home in southern maryland. Postal worker came to the door, and the letter was certified. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. FYI they need your decision by June 11 with a mandatory orientation of June 20.

Congrats! Still waiting...hopefully it comes tomorrow!

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