Monday June 24th 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Hi Stars and NJ22

Was a quieter day yesterday.  Recipe was pretty simple so I got that done before church.  After church relaxed a bit then went for a walk on the Prairie Path. Rest of the evening was pretty quiet, watched Outlander and The Chosen and worked on my shopping list

Today could be tricky at work, with that new case I got just before the end of the day Friday, and that other new one I still have a few things to do on.  Guess we'll see, hopefully the person I'm covering for doesn't have much to do

Bit warmer today, in the upper 80s


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good morning!

I apologize again for not posting the last couple of days.  Nothing much to say I guess.

I worked the floor Saturday on the medical side and had 5:1 ratio with a free charge so it wasn't horrible, but I discharged 3 patients and got 2 admissions so was extremely busy.  

Sunday I was to be the free charge but they decided in the middle of report to pull a nurse to another floor.  Evidently a nurse on another floor called in sick from the parking lot.  Again, not horrible but extremely busy.  It being the weekend without leadership I had to do "leadership rounds" on all 30 patients.  Fortunately at least 5 of them were asleep and a couple off the unit, so I got it done.  Had one family complain that we couldn't get the room warm enough for their 101 year old full code relative.  I said, "It feels like an oven in here and there is no way to make it warmer".  They also said her puréed diet wasn't pureed enough.  The kitchen says it comes pre-packaged that way and nothing they can do.  Finally they said they've been waiting too long to get her out of bed.  So I lifted the max assist patient out of bed (she weighed maybe 90 pounds) myself and put her in the chair.   

TMI about my work.  Only three more years to go!  

Off today. I stayed up late after work and wound up sleeping to 10AM today which is way off my usual.  Nothing going on.

Have a great day!

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

SO! Went to the bank and my personal banker set me up with automatic withdrawal payments on two cards and one loan; the card payments don't start until August 😊 The only things I have to do is remember to put them in my checking "register' ( I always call it a 'log') to subtract when I get my SS check, so I know they are covered.

But so far as I can figure out, I gots NUTTIN' to pay in July becept my Medicare Supplement, auto insurance, cell phone, and, what else? Care Credit card if I use it. I keep it to pay for vet visits and the 6 mo pack of the flea/tick/etc pills. Since Momo still has to lose weight before she gets spayed, I may use Care Credit to go ahead and make an appt w/ eye doc, and get my new glasses, because I need them more than a pair of too-damn-expensive hearing aids.(I have a hearing appt on Thursday afternoon.)

 Anyway, what else can I say but a relieved:

"WHEW!" 😋

I did go to the DMV, but that was a very dumb thing to do on a Monday morning! The inside-the-building line was full, and I was the 17th person waiting outside in 90+ degrees heat, to get in. I decided that maybe Thursday afternoon would be a good time to go back and try-try again. No telling HOW long it would've taken me to get to the counter to talk with someone today!

I also shopped for some groceries, picked up med refills, and gassed up my Conestoga wagon, uh, I mean my KIA Soul. (I must be feeling better since I am getting a little goofy!)

I arrived home at the same time SiL brought Nannie back. TODAY (not tomorrow) was her hand-specialist appt. So it's two more weeks in the (same) cast, but the Xray showed the fx was healing well. 

I asked SiL about getting herself an MRI, but she is only 58 or 59, so not on Medicare, and since she is only part-time now at the ABC Stores, she doesn't have the health ins. from her job. When she asked about an MRI, she said they told her the cost would be $5,000 !! YIKES!  So, if I win a large sweepstakes or lottery, I will pay for her to get an MRI. THEN she would know exactly what was going on inside her hip, and how it can be alleviated! She said the chiro is helping "some", but I remember all the months of pain I went through before I found out (via MRI) about that cyst on my 4th vertebra, and what a relief it was to know that I could get it removed under local anesthesia ....and what a wonderful thing that was to get it taken care of and say "Pain Be Gone!"!

SiL bought Nannie some lunch around 2 PM, and Nannie is now sleeping in her chair, so I can fix supper later than usual. When I got home, I was shaky and starved to death, so I ate a microwave bowl of teriyaki noodles. Now I am RESTING on the sofa. Hope I can fall asleep earlier tonight....before my 2-3 AM lights-out time. I am TIRED!

 Guess that about covers it for now!


Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Hi all. Stars, that must be a good feeling to get all the bank stuff fixed. Yes, healthcare is quite pricey, especially without insurance. And there's no guarantee that the MRI will show anything treatable. 

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm dreading the cost. I have chipped a front tooth and I fear the dentist will recommend a crown. And I don't have dental insurance. I looked into it, but it doesn't really look like it saves any money, when you compare premiums to benefits. 

I called and talked to sis, who seems to be in good spirits. We talked about her upcoming MD appointments that I go to, because she is befuddled by "doctorese" and will forget to ask what she meant to ask. 

I've been out in the yard, and stuffed the yard waste tote full for tomorrow. I planted one more big planter by the front door with tuberous begonias. We should have 2 more nice days before the rain comes back. dh's garden has peas, carrots, green beans, squash and cukes sprouting. The onions, tomato and pepper starts look good. And the weeds are coming on fast and furious. 

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