AS with many others, I would like to see more clinical type discussions on this board.
I was speaking with a mivacron rep last week and he was telling me that you can reliably get a block in 90 sec with miv. if you give .25 mg/kg in divided doses. (i.e. induction agent, .15 mg/kg miv, wait 30 sec, .10 mg/kg miv, and 60 seconds later have a complete block) Per the rep, divided doses are preferred to minimize histamine release.
Out of curiousity, I asked if they had heard of anyone using miv as an RSI drug? He replied that it is not labeled for rsi, but people have used it as such. I left it at that, but was curious if anyone has seen miv used in RSI situations?
I can't really think of a situation where the R&B of miv would outweigh the R&B of SUX or roc and be the preferred RSI drug.
What do you guys think?