Published Jul 23, 2017
2 Posts
thank you for reading
im looking for insite into my situation
I work in a home with 4 sometimes 5 small children (only 1 of which I care for) that get into everything. Nowhere is safe!!!
Ive had multiple occurrences where flow sheets have been ripped or colored on, anything you name it. Typically my office is very understanding .
Recently my clip board was distroyed with all of my papers displaced. I was able to recover the mar but unable to recover my flow sheet which was INCOMPLETE. I DID NOT RECREATE IT! I know this to be very wrong however i did keep notes about my day. My coworker eventually found my flow sheet and left it in our team clip board unbeknownst to me. At some point my sup picked up the note during a visit. I contacted her and explained the situation and asked how I should proceed. I will touch base with her tomorrow.
Wondering id anyone has any input or has been in this situation. TIA
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Walmart sells safes that are the size of a briefcase for
Thank you I will definitely look into that
My question was more so what will happen from here
Would I just do a type of addendum
Obviously I cannot complete the same note
Thank you for your input miss mean í ½í¹‚
You'll just need to recreate the missing note I suppose. And have your manager have a friendly chat with the family...
38,333 Posts
Write on the top of the note "Recreated on date- initials". You want to distinguish this from the original note, especially since the first note is in possession of the supervisor. Better yet, she should just let you complete the original note in the office and use that one.