Minor Recommendations


Sorry, I added this topic in the wrong forum so I'm reposting!

Hi! I'm currently starting my nursing classes as a junior in Fall 2017. This is my dilemma. I applied to the program in fall 2015 but wasn't accepted because of my GPA. I applied again this year after I brought my GPA up and was accepted. However, because I completed all the prereqs and general education classes, my advisor told me once I start my nursing classes this Fall, I would be considered a part time student and recommended that I minor in something to be a full time student. Should I consider a minor or should I stay part time and find a job part time? If I decide to declare a minor, what would you all recommend? I really just don't know what to do or what's really best.

thank you all!!

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

Hard to say, without knowing what programs your school has available. Also, finances: does any loss of financial aid related to your part-time status outweigh the cost of the classes you'd need for a minor? I personally would not take on extra debt for a minor, but you may feel differently.

In no particular order: something psychology or social science related; a multidisciplinary program like urban studies or youth studies; neuroscience; nutrition; maybe stats if you want to get into research at some point; pharmacology or public health?

Is there any benefit to being a fulltime vs part time? If no, then staying part time would give you a lot of time to focus on the classes that you are taking so you can get a high GPA. But if you would like to minor in something, some good options would be:

Global health

Anatomy or physiology







Not sure what you school offers, but these are some suggestions

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