Minnesota School


Hell0- I was just wondering if anyone has any advice on minnesota nursing schools. I will take advice on anything from LPN to CRNA. Thank you.

Specializes in ortho/neuro.

Unfortuately I don't know much about schools other than the one I go to now. I go to North Hennepin Community College in Brooklyn Park. I had applied to St. Cloud State but with having four children, the evening weekend option at NHCC was very appealing so that's the route I choose.

I was told it was very difficult to get into NHCC nursing program but found that it wasn't as bad as I had heard. Some students got in with 3.0 I believe. The program is difficult but doable (I graduate in May 2007 :monkeydance: ) The tuition is reasonable compared to the universities and the private schools like St. Katherine's in the cities or St. Ben's in St. Cloud. I have been told by some 'working' nurses that they feel NHCC turns out very good nurses, well educated, well organized and well suited for nursing. One of my cousins in Fargo, ND actually told me that some of the best nurses she has worked with came from NHCC so I took that as quite a compliment to the program.

I'm sure other's will be able to add good things about their particular programs, but as I mentioned, I can only comment on what I know :rolleyes: but it gives you a place to start.

Are you planning on going to LPN or RN or just starting to look into it or have you decided what route you want to take yet?

I am in my LPN program right now and will be eligible to take my boards in February or March. I then want to enter an LPN to ADN program in fall of 07. I plan to keep on trucking through school to eventually earn a Masters degree in anethesia or NP. I thank you for the wonderful info. This makes me happy as north hennepin was one of the schools i was considering applying to. thanks

Specializes in GI and Telemetry.

I got my LPN at Anoka Tech - great program, very safety conscious program. I'm now finishing up the LPN-ADN program at Minneapolis Comm & Technical College (MCTC). VERY rigorous program - they don't mess around here. I know of at least 4 people who are retaking a third semester systems class - the tests I have in my synthesis theory class are very challenging, and are great for improving your critical thinking skills. They are becoming much more selective in who they let into the program, and it shows in the rate of students passing their boards on the first try - very high number do. I recommend this program highly!

Good luck wherever you end up!

Specializes in LTC, MDS Cordnator, Mental Health.

I am in the RN(ADN) Program IN TRF we have open enrollment in the LPN Program, and that helps for getting into the RN(ADN)

Specializes in LTC, MDS Cordnator, Mental Health.

Thief River Falls MN, :imbar http://www.northlandcollege.edu Pass ratio for NCLEX is 94%

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