U.S.A. Michigan
Published Apr 27, 2007
129 Posts
I plan on taking micro in a couple weeks, and I was wondering how is that class there- I will be at the downriver campus. Any adivce or tips... Thanks.:uhoh21:
34 Posts
WHo is your teacher?? every teacher teaches completly different. I have Meyers right now.... All I can say is STUDY and be prepared. Its not as tough as you are more then likly setting yourself up for. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and I am 7 months preg. Im making it right now with a B, with mistakes I could have prevented:uhoh21: . Good Luck!!
18 Posts
I also have micro with meyers...and justforus...and I too am around a B. We both took micro and AP1 and nutrition this semester and have survived. Would have been happier with an A. The work itself wasnt that hard, it was finding the time to juggle the homework/studying for all 3 classes plus a family with 2 demanding kids and a husband. I know someone that is in my AP class and has micro with someone else and she has an A in the class. So just make sure u put some time in to study and u should do fine.
547 Posts
Finola, those are 3 demanding classes for anybody, let alone a busy young mom. I think your B's are outstanding!
I'm taking L. Smith, for my micro. Im only taking micro and an online anthropology class this summer. I also work full time, and married with 3 young kids. I function better under pressure, so I had to take something over the summer. I hopefully will be starting the nursing program at HFCC this fall. Thanks for the replies. Im off to try to study for my organic chem final...
Good luck on that final!