Michigan HPRP advice/info/support


Hello I’m looking for some advice/info on Michigan’s HPRP program. I was recently referred to the program for a “non-regulatory” evaluation. The back history (sorry it’s kinda long) is I was terminated from my position after a positive drug screen. I had been off of work for 2 weeks caring for one of my kids and a few days before I returned I got really sick causing me to be admitted and to have a procedure done. Of course during my admission I was giving an array of different medications. Once I was discharged (the day before set return day) I called in sick. The next day I was feeling not 100% but better so I decided stupidly to go in. I had felt terrible being of.... and my employer wasn’t exactly happy I was off. As I was walking in the first day back I received a call about my child that of course set the stage for the rest of the day. After starting my shift my manger approached me asking “what was wrong with me” I had visible swelling in my neck and jaw area from the procedure. I simply said “ I had a procedure a few days ago” and went on with my cluster of a day (short staffed, super heavy assignment) anyways I started noticing the DIrector of Nursing hanging around the unit and then next thing I know I’m being called in to the office....at first they kept asking me “what are you on” and I said nothing and then they asked “what’s in your system” so I looked at my manger and said I told you this morning I had this procedure so what ever they gave me in the hospital. I was then taken for a humiliating drug screening and sent home. A few days later I got the call on the results (after providing them with all of my health records) that everything in my UDS was accounted for except amphetamines! I’ve never taken any drugs not prescribed so I had no clue how it was positive.... so I was terminated. A few days after my termination I went to go take my antibiotics when I accidentally grabbed another member of my family’s prescription opened it and realized it wasn’t mine and it hit me...... HOLY *** this is what I did. So the first night home my husband had brought me all of my meds... the second night I got them myself and what I did was I grabbed the wrong bottle. I was on a huge dose of antibiotics so the discharging doc recommended that I split the doses . So instead of taking 3 capsules 3 times I took 2 capsules 4 times. So essentially I took 2 capsules of an ADHD med.... I confirmed my going back and counting the antibiotics and the other med and sure enough I was up 2 antibiotics and down 2 on the other med! I was mortified I made such a foolish silly mistake and since then have completely revamped how we keep/store and distribute all medication in our house. Of course I was reported to BON which took 6 months to contact me....I had an initial interview and then heard nothing for over a year! I reached out to my attorney who contacted the investigator and he was told “ the case was still open” the very next week I get another letter requesting a second interview with a new investigator. About 3 months after that interview I received a letter that I was was referred to the HPRP for an evaluation. My lawyer said it seems the state has deemed not sufficient evidence for a administrative complaint but a referral to the HPRP to make sure I don’t have a substance abuse problem. Whew that’s a lot I know:( so now here I am well over 2 years past my separation from my employer... a new job (which I absolutely love) and now I’m faced with this program that I’ve heard terrible things about. I’ve completed the initial intake interview and now awaiting the list of evaluators so I can set that appointment. I’m terrified that im going to be placed in a monitoring agreement over a foolish mistake, I’ve spent 2 years beating myself up over. Does anyone have any advice or info and how this process works or personal experience? My lawyer feels confident I’m my case but I’ve heard such horror stories. Thanks everyone!

I’m in MI. When you go for your eval do not admit to ANY drug( besides what was prescribed)Not even trying Weed in high school. Do not say you are a social drinker or like a glass a wine after a hard shift. Also, limit conversation about metal health, admitting to depression or anxiety even during this pandemic can land you a 3 year contract with HRPR with all the drug testing and AA/NA meetings and meetings with a therapist. They are trying to say you were impaired on the job. I’m not in the program but am probably going to be investigated at some point so I’ve read a lot on this forum.
I really hope you have a good outcome!keep us posted! There is a lot of support here!

On 6/11/2020 at 12:16 AM, AbbeyR said:

I’m in MI. When you go for your eval do not admit to ANY drug( besides what was prescribed)Not even trying Weed in high school. Do not say you are a social drinker or like a glass a wine after a hard shift. Also, limit conversation about metal health, admitting to depression or anxiety even during this pandemic can land you a 3 year contract with HRPR with all the drug testing and AA/NA meetings and meetings with a therapist. They are trying to say you were impaired on the job. I’m not in the program but am probably going to be investigated at some point so I’ve read a lot on this forum.
I really hope you have a good outcome!keep us posted! There is a lot of support here!

Hi, I may be falling victim of HPRP too. Don’t they get past medical history? Im a new nurse and struggled with mental health recently and was prescribed medications. If I want to limit conversation about mental health, how will I do that if they have my PMH where I sought out help? ?

They can verify meds through MAPS so I would definitely be transparent about meds your currently take. They can and will check metabolite levels to make sure you’re not using more then prescribed amounts. 

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