MGH Institute of Health Professions


Hi, I was wondering if anyone has applied to the MGHIHP new accelerated BSN program? If so, what do you think your chances are of being accepted?

Specializes in pediatrics.

I think you have a good shot...however the best chance you have is MCPHS in Worcester's accelerated BSN program. They desperately need students. In fact, they are still taking applications for this January. The program is 16 months in length, however you have to have a bachelor's in something to get in..GOOD LUCK!!!

But I did get accepted to MGH IHP too, and my GPA was around 2.7-2.8ish.hope this helps

do u know many people applied? when are u informed if u got in?'

Thank you for responding! I don't feel so neglected now (lol) I'm not sure how many people applied or how many they are accepting. However, I do know that we will find out the status of our applications mid-late December, which seems like forever away!!!

I was just accepted into the MGH Accelerated BSN program. Has anyone else heard anything yet?

I was accepted as well! Are you attending?

Hey! Congratulations. I will be attending. I sent out my deposit the day after I got my letter. I am so excited. I've heard excellent things about the school. Are you from Mass?

Hello! I'm sending my deposit today (better late than never, lol) I am from Mass., are you? Have you gotten anything else from the school after you sent in your deposit??

I haven't gotten anything else from them yet. I got an email stating that they received my deposit, and would be sending important information that needs to be filled out asap, within the next few weeks. I am excited that we are going to be the first class to go through the new program. What college did you go to?

I'm sure over the next few months there will LOTS of information sent! I'm super excited as well that we will be the first class, but in the same sense a little nervous because the program is so new. I know a few people that were in the same position with being the first class somewhere and it not being recognized although it was accredited. But I'm sure we will be fine! I attended Lambuth University in TN. and you?

I agree, it does make me a little nervous. I went to Curry College in MA. Do you know of anyone else that has applied to this program?

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