MGH absn spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone,

I figured since every other cohort has started message boards about the application process it might be helpful to start one here as well! Has anyone applied to MGH for the January 2017 start In the accelerated nursing program? I've heard a lot of great things about the program and work with 5 nurses who have come from this program as well.

I figured we could all share our experiences and qualifications here.. Good luck to all! I'm so anxious, September can't come soon enough...

I couldn't find the group when I searched on facebook..

Hey coolness, do you mind posting the Facebook link here?

Ahh. For some reason it wouldn't let me post the link so it says my comment is under moderation. Try this:

facebook dot com/groups/142861542836032/

of course make sure you change it to .com

also when you search on fb make sure you're searching for "groups" and not top/people/pages.

hope this helps!

anyone here back from the waitlist?

I was offered a spot from the waitlist last Wednesday 10/5.

I declined my acceptance to MGH as I will be attending Curry. Hopefully you'll get my spot!!

nice congrats!

aha aww thanks good luck!

I also have been taken off the waitlist! So excited!

Has anyone heard from MGH yet? I know in the past the decisions came late but just anxiously waiting!!

Join us in the MGH January 2018 group. This group is from last year. :)

Hi there!

I know this thread is old, but I was hoping someone could answer a quick question for me regarding the program! I am an incoming student in the ABSN spring program. I'm wondering how much time we have off between semesters. For instance, the academic calendar says last day of final exams for spring 2018 is May 1st, and the first day of classes for summer semester is May 21st. Does that mean that there are no classes or clinicals at all during that time?

Thank you in advance!

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