
Nurses General Nursing


Hi - Has anyone gone through the Post-Bac BSN program or heard if the program is good? Is the workload overwhelming and instructors difficult? Was it easy to find a job afterwards with a BSN?

Thanks in advance for any feeback!

Toots71506 - I saw that you PM'd me about MetroState. However, because I don't have 15 posts under my belt, I can't reply yet. I'm madly posting so hope to have enough to reply soon. :typing

Hi Tdrynelle!

Can I ask you a few questions?? Now that Metro State just has a MSN program, not a BSN program, would you recommend individuals still applying there? If you had to do it again now, what school would you apply to? Also, what was your GPA when you got into Metro? I'm sorry for all the questions.. I'm just really having a hard time deciding which route to take! :eek:

I purposely choose Metro over the U of M because it had the BSN program, as I did not want to do an MSN program. It didn't make any sense to me to get an MSN when you have absolutely zero experience.

I'm currently in my second year at Metro. From what I've heard, the MSN program will be like the BSN program except for there is one more semester of classes. That would be very tough. We had a summer "off" with no required classes, but we all opted to take a summer class to lighten up the load for Fall, since Fall 2nd year was supporsed to be awful (per previous students). So with the MSN program, you wouldn't get that option (I don't think).

If I had to do it all again with the choices that are out there now, I'm not sure what I would do. Sure it would be nice to get an MSN, but I don't feel qualified to have one. I would rather have some nursing experience under my belt before getting that. And I'm not sure if there are any other post-bac BSN classes out there (which is what I would choose to do again).

My GPA on my pre-req classes (I took them all prior to applying) was 4.0, but overall college GPA was something like 3.3

As for Metro itself, I do like it. It's a little disorganized at times, but from what I've heard from other students, so are a lot of other nursing programs.

If you have any more questions, let me know

Good luck on whatever road you take! :)

And one more thing - if you take a full load of classes during the summer, you can't do a summer nursing student internship (which a bunch of the local hospitals offer). Although these are hard to get, the are so worth it - because you don't get a lot of clinical time during school.

Thanks so much for all the info! :) Right now I don't feel like I'm ready for an MSN program either. I don't have any nursing experience (besides being a clinic assistant for a few months), and don't feel like I should have an MSN yet! I wish there were more Post-Bac or Accelerated programs in MN. I'm thinking of getting a second bachelor's degree through St. Kate's. I know it probably will take me a little longer, but I really want that BSN. Plus from what I've heard, a majority of the ASN programs in the area have long waiting lists.

Thanks again :heartbeat


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