Message from the Ohio Department of Health


Specializes in Too many to list.

A Message from the Ohio Department of Health

Hard to listen during August but the season will pass.

H5N1 is now found just 800 miles away from the Aleutian Islands.

We do not know if it will ever become more transmissible to humans

but we do know that it kill over 60% of its victims. Historically, we

also know that pandemics occur every 30 to 50 years, and there is

no way to prevent them.

What to do? Prepare your family as you would for any emergency,

just in case, and get on with your life knowing that you have some

insurance for what ever happens.

this is scary. I try not to get worked up about stuff like that (or I wouldn't be sleeping at night) But it should be considered.

Laura RN:nurse:

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