Published Apr 23, 2020
Future_GA_nurse, CNA, EMT-B
121 Posts
Has anyone applied, got accepted, or a current student that can provide details about their experience?
I know it's a relative new program (1st cohort I think just graduated), I'm interested in learning more before speaking with an admissions advisor.
30 Posts
I’m currently in the program. I’m starting my 2nd semester next week. It’s not terrible. The classes are definitely hard and I have papers to type every week but it’s do-able. The program is hella expensive. The 56k tuition isn’t all you’ll pay. The scrubs and white coat, parking for clinical, the online books and programs all add up but it’s worth it to me. I graduate in December and I’m so ready for it.
7 hours ago, ponyo_ said:I’m currently in the program. I’m starting my 2nd semester next week. It’s not terrible. The classes are definitely hard and I have papers to type every week but it’s do-able. The program is hella expensive. The 56k tuition isn’t all you’ll pay. The scrubs and white coat, parking for clinical, the online books and programs all add up but it’s worth it to me. I graduate in December and I’m so ready for it.
Thank you for your feedback @ponyo_ How is it going to class at another 'facility'? How have your clinicals been? I'm thinking about applying for fall of next year and I do like the fact it's a 12 month program.
6 hours ago, Future_GA_nurse said:Thank you for your feedback @ponyo_ How is it going to class at another 'facility'? How have your clinicals been? I'm thinking about applying for fall of next year and I do like the fact it's a 12 month program.
Majority of the classes are online. So fundamentals, health assessment etc are all self taught. When you take your exams, you come to the campus (the Atlanta building near Cumberland mall) to take the test in your own laptop and your proctored. It’s a pretty good system. The labs are the only thing you come to class and learn in person. Some of the labs are kind of boring. We would just sit there and read a paper and teach ourselves. There were videos that we were suppose to watch before lab and we we’re supposed to execute at lab. Personally I don’t learn like that. I need to see it done in class and then have it done step by step, but that’s just me. We spent a lot of lab time just sitting there bonding with each other talking. But I’ve only had health assessment and fundamental lab because of the COVID. Clinicals are okay! They don’t care where you live so don’t both telling them that you live like in Newnan and would want a clinical are closer to there. They just randomly assigned people. The clinical teachers are great! They’re super cool and helpful! They have their masters and 1 has her masters and doctorates. this covid is the perfect time to apply because there’s a nursing shortage and after this covid dies down (if it ever does) there’s definitely going to be even more of a shortage. Even now, I have 7 months till I graduate we have hospital trying to recruit us now because they want specifically us, because we’ll be done quicker. I wasn’t sure about apply to this program because I’d the cost but it’s way close to my house than GSU. the pros out way the cons in my option and the people that just graduated almost all got into specialty units straight out this ABSN program and that’s what I want! My end goal is to be a CRNA and I want to be in an ICU as quickly as possible!
2 hours ago, ponyo_ said:Majority of the classes are online. So fundamentals, health assessment etc are all self taught. When you take your exams, you come to the campus (the Atlanta building near Cumberland mall) to take the test in your own laptop and your proctored. It’s a pretty good system. The labs are the only thing you come to class and learn in person. Some of the labs are kind of boring. We would just sit there and read a paper and teach ourselves. There were videos that we were suppose to watch before lab and we we’re supposed to execute at lab. Personally I don’t learn like that. I need to see it done in class and then have it done step by step, but that’s just me. We spent a lot of lab time just sitting there bonding with each other talking. But I’ve only had health assessment and fundamental lab because of the COVID. Clinicals are okay! They don’t care where you live so don’t both telling them that you live like in Newnan and would want a clinical are closer to there. They just randomly assigned people. The clinical teachers are great! They’re super cool and helpful! They have their masters and 1 has her masters and doctorates. this covid is the perfect time to apply because there’s a nursing shortage and after this covid dies down (if it ever does) there’s definitely going to be even more of a shortage. Even now, I have 7 months till I graduate we have hospital trying to recruit us now because they want specifically us, because we’ll be done quicker. I wasn’t sure about apply to this program because I’d the cost but it’s way close to my house than GSU. the pros out way the cons in my option and the people that just graduated almost all got into specialty units straight out this ABSN program and that’s what I want! My end goal is to be a CRNA and I want to be in an ICU as quickly as possible!
Awesome feedback! I spoke with an admissions rep today and she was helpful answering the 'standard' questions. Your feedback has given me so much insight and I appreciate that. I also follow another ABSN student on IG and Youtube so I'm really doing my research.
I'm looking to apply next fall because I have to retake a pre-req and one last class, in addition saving due to the costs.
Fire_man1, EMT-P
2 Posts
I am looking into this program as well. How often are the in person classes/labs? Are the clinical times flexible? I am a Firefighter and I am trying to figure out if I can work and go to school feasibly at the same time. My schedule is set but I have lots of time off built into my work schedule.
18 hours ago, GA_Fire_nurse said: I am looking into this program as well. How often are the in person classes/labs? Are the clinical times flexible? I am a Firefighter and I am trying to figure out if I can work and go to school feasibly at the same time. My schedule is set but I have lots of time off built into my work schedule.
I was told classes are all online. The only time you come in are for skills/test which is 2 days a week and maybe another day if taking tests.
I do not think clinicals times are flexible, however I could be incorrect. You can speak with an ABSN admissions rep and they can provide you with all the details. Mine has been super helpful in this journey.
I'm currently in the program now. I graduate in dec. They classes are all self taught and online. You rely mostly on the book to teach yourself. You come into the lab site to do your skills lab and it's not flexible. They make the list and you come at what date and time they tell you. They won't really change unless you have something serious. They tell you don't work at all and when you get into your adult health and pharm semesters you need to really focus because that's when it gets very hard because they material and exams come fast. Some people worked as techs and struggled because we would long clinical or lab days the day before the exams
That is great information. Thank you. That is what I was worried about. The advisors that I have talked to about seemed a little unclear about working. They basically said we don't recommend it but they didn't say it was impossible. I guess that is what they were referring to. Thank you for the response. I'm interested in the program but working right now is pretty much a must.
6 Posts
On 4/29/2020 at 12:38 AM, ponyo_ said: I’m currently in the program. I’m starting my 2nd semester next week. It’s not terrible. The classes are definitely hard and I have papers to type every week but it’s do-able. The program is hella expensive. The 56k tuition isn’t all you’ll pay. The scrubs and white coat, parking for clinical, the online books and programs all add up but it’s worth it to me. I graduate in December and I’m so ready for it.
Hello, are your exams proctored on ATI or Canvas?
15 Posts
How are their grading? Do they separate exam grades from cumulative abs is there a HESI exit per class?
On 11/2/2020 at 9:42 AM, ponyo_ said: I'm currently in the program now. I graduate in dec. They classes are all self taught and online. You rely mostly on the book to teach yourself. You come into the lab site to do your skills lab and it's not flexible. They make the list and you come at what date and time they tell you. They won't really change unless you have something serious. They tell you don't work at all and when you get into your adult health and pharm semesters you need to really focus because that's when it gets very hard because they material and exams come fast. Some people worked as techs and struggled because we would long clinical or lab days the day before the exams
How are the grading. Is it a cumulative if everything or do they only accept the exam grade average? For instance one of the schools you have to have 77% on all exams so if there are 5 exams you must get 77% to pass the course. Any addtl assignments are graded but doesn’t count