Updated: Jul 14, 2020 Published Jan 20, 2020
Nurse Beth, MSN
145 Articles; 4,099 Posts
Dear Nurse Beth,I am here looking for some advice. I have been a nurse for about 8 months now, but only working in nursing homes, and I have my BSN. I was finally offered a job that I thought I really wanted on a tele unit, but I was also offered a job on a med surg/ oncology unit.
I graduated in 2018, but took boards twice and finally passed in 2019. Before graduating I took a 2 year break bc I could not afford nursing school, and then went back with only a year left and graduated. I took the med surg position bc I feel as though due to the break I am incompetent in some areas and need to get back to the basics because their is a alot I have forgotten.
I also wonder can I learn these same skills on the tele floor even though its specialized, or should I stick to the med surg unit. Also, they are both 12 hour nights, but the tele position is every other weekend, whereas the med surg oncology unit is every 3rd weekend and 12 weeks of training. I'm not sure how long the training is for the tele position. From you guys experience where do you feel I will gain the most knowledge. I really want to be a very good, knowledgeable RN!
Dear Wants to be a Knowledgable RN,
CONGRATS on landing the MedSurg job. Stick with it.
You've already accepted the job, they are giving you 12 weeks orientation, and the time-honored way to master your skills from the bottom up is to start on MedSurg.
Tele and MedSurg are comparable in terms of suitability for a new grad, but you will have more opportunity for basic skills such as nasogastric tubes and foleys on MedSurg.
Once you spend 1-2 years on MedSurg, you will be golden in terms of marketability.
Best wishes in your decision,
Nurse BethAuthor, "Your Last Nursing Class: How to Land Your First Nursing Job"...and your next
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