medication and licensing


I have a friend who is had her heart set on nursing school. An ablsolute perfectionest in everything she does.

She now has been directed away from that goal (by in her mind, "experts") She is now on "medication" (because of her "diagnosed obsessive" drive for perfection)

I will admit it was a bit excessive but would not be considered that in a highly competitive arena. (like acedemics and nursing school)

Now she tells me that the people at Votec tell here she can't get an RN license because of the medication she is on.

I don't know about votech (this is a new development in her life as she was attending Community COLLEGE) Anyway there is NO vocational Technical school in this state that teaches nursing or anything close to it. So it is unlikely there is even a nurse on the faculty. Anyway they are not the BON. I told her that is nonsense. She was adament in saying that she was told it is true because there was someone else on the same meds and he could not get his license.

I tried to tell here it was not the meds that kept him from getting the license but something else.

She insist that she will not be allowed to get her license simply because she is on these meds.

I am sorry the BON application does not ask if you are taking medicine. They do not ask permission to look at your medical records. Someone is filling her with a line of hooey and she is naieve and trusting enough to believe it.

yes she is obsessive in her desire for perfection. Yes it does stem form a history of abusive men in her life. But she was pulled out of school by a doctor social worker or some body (this did not state at the school but by some person or situation outside of school) (I don't recall the circumstance) SOLEY because she was trying to be her best. She was even forbidden to attend school until this semester then she was put into this votech thing.

She is better than that. She would be a great nurse.

I only saw her for a few minutes and it has been a while since we have seen each other. When I last saw her for any length of time she was attending school working on prereques for Nursing. Then I heard (grape vine)how she was now out of school because of her obsessive studying etc. Now she tells me she wont be alloed to get a license.

I am thinking about contacting her and sitting down with her to have a good talk. I don't know knowat is going on or why. I am sure there are things I do not know about but what I am hearing about not bieng allowed to get a license because of perscribed meds has be furious. The BON never investigated the state of my health and my use of meds. They did not evaluate my mental heath. The did a finger print and did a criminal check. They made me take the NCLEX. They asked me about criminal activity illegal drug use and my child support status.

What can I do to help this woman whom I know in my heart belongs in nursing.

She was a welfare/mdeicaid recipient or something close to that an I gather it is those folks who initiated all of this. She attended one sememster of pre reques before all this happened she of course has a 4.0 average carrying a full load.

She has the heart and temperment for nursing.

There might be a good reason for her to not push herself so. She may have health issues that I am not aware of. But to tell her an outright lie that she will not be allowed to get a license because of medication is unconchable.

She said she never used illegal drugs and these are perscribed.

Obviously theres floks do not have a clue what it takes to be an RN.

What are your thoughts?

There are many, many RNs out there who are on psychotropic medications. It doesn't hold anyone back. Schools don't even ask about that sort of thing before acceptance, and then it's only expected that you report it in your medical records. It has nothing to do with academia.

Not sure why the people at the VoTech school said that to your friend. Obviously they really don't know what they're talking about. As long as your friend has the qualifications to succeed in nursing school and she can do the work without harm to the patients, her medical conditions are not a factor.

I would try and get some printed materials for this girl, maybe from your state BON that back up what you're trying to tell her. Sounds like a lot of bad medicine from some over-zealous "doctor" or whoever it is who has filled her head w/ this bs.

Thank you. I will pass it on. anyone else who can contribute to this would be appreciated.

The more ammunition I have they easier it will be to talk with her. If I have someone backing me up she might be more willing to consider what I have to say.

As I said I do not know the full situation. I will listen to her first and ask questions. But no one but the BON has the right to tell her that they will not license her.

Originally posted by Agnus

I have a friend who is had her heart set on nursing school. An ablsolute perfectionest in everything she does.

She now has been directed away from that goal (by in her mind, "experts") She is now on "medication" (because of her "diagnosed obsessive" drive for perfection)

I will admit it was a bit excessive but would not be considered that in a highly competitive arena. (like acedemics and nursing school)

Now she tells me that the people at Votec tell here she can't get an RN license because of the medication she is on.

I don't know about votech (this is a new development in her life as she was attending Community COLLEGE) Anyway there is NO vocational Technical school in this state that teaches nursing or anything close to it. So it is unlikely there is even a nurse on the faculty. Anyway they are not the BON. I told her that is nonsense. She was adament in saying that she was told it is true because there was someone else on the same meds and he could not get his license.

I tried to tell here it was not the meds that kept him from getting the license but something else.

She insist that she will not be allowed to get her license simply because she is on these meds.

I am sorry the BON application does not ask if you are taking medicine. They do not ask permission to look at your medical records. Someone is filling her with a line of hooey and she is naieve and trusting enough to believe it.

yes she is obsessive in her desire for perfection. Yes it does stem form a history of abusive men in her life. But she was pulled out of school by a doctor social worker or some body (this did not state at the school but by some person or situation outside of school) (I don't recall the circumstance) SOLEY because she was trying to be her best. She was even forbidden to attend school until this semester then she was put into this votech thing.

She is better than that. She would be a great nurse.

I only saw her for a few minutes and it has been a while since we have seen each other. When I last saw her for any length of time she was attending school working on prereques for Nursing. Then I heard (grape vine)how she was now out of school because of her obsessive studying etc. Now she tells me she wont be alloed to get a license.

I am thinking about contacting her and sitting down with her to have a good talk. I don't know knowat is going on or why. I am sure there are things I do not know about but what I am hearing about not bieng allowed to get a license because of perscribed meds has be furious. The BON never investigated the state of my health and my use of meds. They did not evaluate my mental heath. The did a finger print and did a criminal check. They made me take the NCLEX. They asked me about criminal activity illegal drug use and my child support status.

What can I do to help this woman whom I know in my heart belongs in nursing.

She was a welfare/mdeicaid recipient or something close to that an I gather it is those folks who initiated all of this. She attended one sememster of pre reques before all this happened she of course has a 4.0 average carrying a full load.

She has the heart and temperment for nursing.

There might be a good reason for her to not push herself so. She may have health issues that I am not aware of. But to tell her an outright lie that she will not be allowed to get a license because of medication is unconchable.

She said she never used illegal drugs and these are perscribed.

Obviously theres floks do not have a clue what it takes to be an RN.

What are your thoughts?

It sounds like there is more going on than she may wish you or others to know. With that, Agnus, maybe she is trying to bow out gracefully?

I know I don't know the full situation. However, this person is naieve and is easily impressed by athority figures. I also know that is not like her to say something like this to save face.

I also know her heart was set on this. I don't have the whole senerio exactly right because my memory fails badly. I don't recall the exact thing that led up to all this. As it was developing I knew it was not right then.

She did not want to leave school she was forbidden by a doctor (I do remember now) to continue because she was too obsessive. He told her she should not go to school period.

If an athority figure told her she would not be allowed to get her license she would definately believe that. No I believe her.

However I do see your point. Because of my familarity with this person I do not believe it applies here.

Originally posted by Agnus

I know I don't know the full situation. However, this person is naieve and is easily impressed by athority figures. I also know that is not like her to say something like this to save face.

I also know her heart was set on this. I don't have the whole senerio exactly right because my memory fails badly. I don't recall the exact thing that led up to all this. As it was developing I knew it was not right then.

She did not want to leave school she was forbidden by a doctor (I do remember now) to continue because she was too obsessive. He told her she should not go to school period.

If an athority figure told her she would not be allowed to get her license she would definately believe that. No I believe her.

However I do see your point. Because of my familarity with this person I do not believe it applies here.

A Dr. can't forbid someone from going to school or doing anything for that matter. Maybe there is more to this OCD than OCD. I just can't see a Dr. or especially a psych Dr. telling someone they can't do something. That's a complete contraindication regarding their profession. They generally encourage going to school keeping's good rehab.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

There may be more to this story than you know. If her docs and counselors don't think she's capable of being an RN, they have an obligation to advise her of that. Maybe they are trying to get her to be more realistic.

Can they prevent her from being a nurse if she truly wants to be? I don't know about that. I would think it's up to the school and the state boards to decide if she should be licensed. But if she is on physch meds, she's probably going to be asked to provide some documentation of her ability to function in the stressful nursing environment.

I know when I was moving to Florida from NC we had to submit a physical exam and list any medications we were on. But I don't know if any meds were "forbidden".

We have to have a bit of anal-retentiveness, perfectionist, paranoid in us to be a good nurse. But it is a requirement to be of sound mind and body.

Maybe your friend isn't quite ready right now. But they shouldn't destroy her dreams.

In the state where I am there is no physical required nor do we have to reveal anything about our health status or medication.

This "other person" had to have something else going on to not get his license not the medication.

As I said I am well aware I do not have the whole story.

I saw another friend crushed in a different way by eitere inaccurate information she recieved from doctors and social workers or an inaccurate perception of what was said. It turned out too late for her that everything she had been led to believe about her disability was wrong. I intuitively knew it was wrong but I was the only one and we were quiet young at the time.

It is true she might not be cut out for nursing but she is the one who should deside that.

There is such a thing an Americans with disability act. She has a right to get any education she chooses. She has a right to apply for a license. And there is NOTHING in this state's practice act that says she can not.

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