Medical terminology


I posted yesterday how I would like to become a L&D nurse. I'm just curious if anyone in this particular area choose this profession right after high school, or if this decision was made later in life. I am reading some of these posts, and to be quite honest I don't understand most of the terminology. I haven't actually started nusing school, but I am wondering if its a problem that I have never taken any medical classes. Did anyone else go into nursing school with no knowledge of medical terminology? The decision to go to nursing school is very confusing to me, and after reading some of these posts, I don't know what to do. I'm nervous I won't be able to handle l&d or nursing in general:innerconf I wish there was some way to job shawdow or something before I make this life changing decision

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
I posted yesterday how I would like to become a L&D nurse. I'm just curious if anyone in this particular area choose this profession right after high school, or if this decision was made later in life. I am reading some of these posts, and to be quite honest I don't understand most of the terminology. I haven't actually started nusing school, but I am wondering if its a problem that I have never taken any medical classes. Did anyone else go into nursing school with no knowledge of medical terminology? The decision to go to nursing school is very confusing to me, and after reading some of these posts, I don't know what to do. I'm nervous I won't be able to handle l&d or nursing in general:innerconf I wish there was some way to job shawdow or something before I make this life changing decision

Very normal to go into the medical field on not know anything especially the terminology but you soon learn it and even after you have qualified carry on learning. You could always approach someone at the hospital and see if it is possible to shadow a RN

one of my pre-nursing classes was a medterm class so you have a basic understanding of whats being said

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

I never took medical terminology , and I did just fine. They go through it in the fundmentals. I suggest that you call your local hospital and ask if you can job shadow a RN in L&D for a few hours.

I am just starting nursing school this semester and I don't have a clue about medical terminology. I am not scared that I don't know any of it, I am excited to learn it. I am 31 yrs old, and did not really know what I wanted to be until a few yrs ago. I am married with 2 kids and going to school now is going to be 10x's harder than if I would have done it straight out of high school.

I know a lot of my classmates want to be L&D nurses, but I think it is difficult to really know what you want to specialize in until you get out in clinicals and really explore all your options.

Nursing school is a huge commitment, but if you think you have an interest go for it! If you're not sure call around and see about doing some job shadowing. Try to get into some different areas of the hospital (ER would be good) so that you can see if you can handle different things that you will be exposed to in school. Also, I think there is a big misconception that L&D is all rosey. If you have a hospital locally that deals with high risk patients maybe you can spend some time there. L&D has it's share of heartache.

Good luck!

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