Medical Advice

Nurses General Nursing


Does it drive you crazy that your family asks you for medical advice?

Im starting nursing school in sept. but I work in the e.r. and have healthcare exp. for 5 years now.

My mom is allllllllllllllllllllways asking me for advice, or my brother. Its like HELLO?! if I was any good I wouldnt have to go to school, sheesh.

How do I tell them nicely, go away? LOL

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Went with hubby to a school dinner recently (he teaches HS) and the idiot sitting next to me ask me to write a script for Vicodin for both and his wife!!!!!

Seriously, I am asked frequently for medical advice. Most of the time, I just say that I'm not the one that field that question as their primary care provider will know the ins and outs of their particular history. If they then say that they don't have a PCP, I give them numbers to the two physician referral services in the area.

I NEVER EVER give out medical advice unless its to my patients.

Specializes in Peds (previous psyc/SA briefly).

I get asked to look at rashes all the time! Seriously!

I don't know what it is, but I usually only get asked about rashes and fever...

I don't mind a bit... because I've made it clear that my only "advice" will be whether or not I think something warrants an ED visit.... and even that always has the caveat that "you can always call your health provider on call" and "remember, this is just some general information - I don't diagnose!"

It's nice when I can calm a friend freaking out about ringworm (okay, okay... "what looks to be ringworm.") And it's equally nice to say "hmmm... you might want to go ahead and call the PNP even though it's Friday night" about my 6 year old neighbor with the red, sandpaper rash, headache, tummy pain and fever of 103.

Of course, I'm also the type that is completely comfortable saying "I have no clue." Frequently.

Because honestly - sometimes I feel like that a lot of the time.

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