Published Oct 18, 2011
6 Posts
I f you work in MA, what is you practice when you do a med reconciliation when a woman transfers from the LR to PostPartum? If you could include the name of the hospital with your response, it would be very helpful. Thanks in advance!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Being from MA......I seriously doubt anyone will post pubically the name of their hospital. What hospital are you from and what is your med rec policy.?
I am new to the forum . . didn't think it would be an issue. Thanks for your help.
It may be.....many hospitals in MA have no compete clauses in their confidentiality agreements about representing oneself with the facility when not on duty or authorized. Many facilities now have "NO public forum" policies now also....I also know of Human Resource departments that peruse public sites in the hiring process and disciplinary process. People may PM you but you can't get PM until so many posts are made unless you purchase a membership.
People may post but may not reveal their facility....I don't work LDRP but the facilities I have worked out have a similar med rec form as the one used in admission.
Good luck! :)
Well, I was authorized to ask the question, but I will double check with my facility to see if this is an issue - based on your advise. That being said - - knowing this, why did you ask me where I work and where I'm from? Sounds like that may have possibly put me in a difficult situation. My only intention was to obtain some helpful and positive info from fellow RN's for our current project - this forum may be the wrong choice.
tyvin, BSN, RN
1,620 Posts
Authorized to ask the question ... our current project ... who may I ask are you and your people?
First, if you have permission then you have been authorized to do this then you're fin, right?.....I was talking about those you are asking to post. I was just saying that you may not get the information you were asking for because of those reasons. If you have permission then it should not be a problem. I asked because I was curious and because you were asking the same question of others. If you are asking for that information then you need to offer that information. I am sorry if you feel offended, but I meant no offense. You asked "If you are form MA" and I said I am from MA...where are you from? I meant no harm:redpinkhe
I apologize if you were offended. I had no intention of putting you in a difficult situation as I am sure you had no intention of putting anyone else in the similar position. We share information here all the time as well as policies....I was concerned that you would get no responses because you requested for anyone contributing to leave information they may be uncomfortable leaving. You can also call surrounding hospitals and ask for their educators in that particular department ands ask them what their policies are ...I have always found other facilities very helpful when I've called them. Good luck....Peace.:redpinkhe
You were asked to post what you were asking of us ... simple. Also, no facility wants to hear about nurses posting house policy per verbatim or otherwise on an open public internet forum without permission.
Here's a link that I'm almost sure and you can take it to the bank that most facilities are complying with.
Esme12, I have already called several hospitals and have found them extremely helpful.
Tyvin, Presently, I have found no facility that does an official med rec when the new mom transfers from the LDR to PostPartum . .this is something my facility may be interested in doing . . thank you for your link . . for the sake of possibly being complete, I was hoping I could find someone who may be practicing this, where we could touch base and see how it's working for them. Thanks again.
Esme12, I have already called several hospitals and have found them extremely helpful.Tyvin, Presently, I have found no facility that does an official med rec when the new mom transfers from the LDR to PostPartum . .this is something my facility may be interested in doing . . thank you for your link . . for the sake of possibly being complete, I was hoping I could find someone who may be practicing this, where we could touch base and see how it's working for them. Thanks again.
I know it's done between the floors and ICU etc whenever a patient is transferd to another unit. I have never worked OB...Call Beverly hospital.......They may have more info.....their VP is a good egg and very smart. Give them a shout.
Will do . . thanks.
YOU're welcome..:)