Published Feb 9, 2015
52 Posts
Patient on continuous KO feed with what seems like pretty standard orders...
50 or 60 ml/hr of feed, flush q4... pump programed & running.
Peg Tube has a larger port which is connected to feeding tube/pump & then a smaller Y-site port is also present.
If I choose to use this smaller site for my meds (the Toumey syringe has a little adapter),
do I need to put the pump on hold? and/or Flush?
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Generally yes, pause feed. Flush, admin meds, flush, restart feed. Follow facility protocol.
Tenebrae, BSN, RN
2,016 Posts
Generally the smaller outlet is the gas port so named to allow regular passing of flatulence
I have always been taught to give meds via the feed port due to the risk of it clogging the feed tube. I would not be giving it via the (gas)y port.
But yes, always put the feed on hold prior to giving meds and flushing
Generally the smaller outlet is the gas port so named to allow regular passing of flatulenceI have always been taught to give meds via the feed port due to the risk of it clogging the feed tube. I would not be giving it via the (gas)y port. But yes, always put the feed on hold prior to giving meds and flushing
Depends on the tube. In a Salem sump tube the smaller port is a vent in most PEG tubes or GB extensions the smaller port is for medications as it empties directly into the same channel. PEG or other gastrostomy tubes are not continually vented unlike Salem sump tubes used for gastric decompression, lavage or in a pinch feeding)
PEG and other more permanent tubes there aren't two channels (one in for feeds/meds the other to vent). The two channel tubes are because the tube is designed to be connected to suction for emptying or gastric lavage.
A PEG or other gastrostomy tube may be vented with a 60mL syringe but is rarely if ever connected to suction so there is no second channel. The second port is for med administration (oral syringes or slip tip syringes fit nicely) but the meds can be administered via 60 mL or Toomey syringe in the main port. You flush pre post medication with the amount of water ordered by the physician. The feed is paused while you administer medications.
If you aren't sure open the second port for a brief moment while running the continuous feed. You know it's a med port/single chamber tube & not not a vent on a dual chamber tube when the feed leaks out immediately.
OP you may want to speak with a nurse educator in your facility to review skills & policy/procedure as this is the third time you have inquired about gastric tubes and enteral feeding.