MCG/CNL Fall 2011 applicants

U.S.A. Georgia


Hello, I just wanted to start a thread for those who plan on applying to the CNL program at the Medical College of Georgia next year (Fall 2011).

@sosola The GRE exam was fair for me, it is more so the timing, I just felt I was running out of time answering the questions. Will wait to see official results , i just hope I don't have to retake. The graduate that you know from the program, did she finish from MCG? Also is she do doing the masters in NP at MCG? I think I would go ahead and apply to MCG and decide when the time comes. Do you live in atlanta? I wish they could have a campus in the atlanta area, it would attract more applicants

@ sharzaejones thanks for the info... Which of the campuses are u in? Whn u where preparing for the gre exams what did u use? Cos Im looking forward in taking the gre this dec.. But I really don't know what to use in preparation....

@sosola I used the official guide to GRE revised edition book and KAPLAN to prepare, it has a CD that you can use to practice the exam

@ayti., she graduated from the Macon campuse, but it's unfortunate the Macon campus is closed. Its so annoying cos I have to commute or relocate to either of the campuses, Athens or Augusta...Cos I live in Macon.. Really if they open a campus in Atl its definately going to attract more student... Well ope u register on time... U might want to consider Athens campus. Lol..Cos that where I might decide to pick... When it's time...

@ayti the athens campus would be closer for me too, I might have to relocate too because I am not sure I can make the commute from atlanta to athens. But then I have family in atlanta :-(

@ayti... I hope you have done ur registration.... So u can have a good chance to be selected. ..

I am at the Augusta campus. The Augusta campus accepts more students than Athens. I think we have about 55 students in Augusta and 30 something in Athens. I took a prep course from Kaplan for the GRE. I also took the MAT.

@ayti are u through with the registration. ? So what's ur nxt step? Have u seen the gre score how was it? I really want to sit for the gre nxt month... But the thing is that I'm not prepared...:(

sure you should be almost done by now. how are you getting on?

hey.. are you through now with the cnl program? how did it go? like i said i applied for the fall 2012 , im writing my gre next week , and im so scared ,,, i havnt been reading anyways,, well when u wrote ur essay how did you start? pls i need a clue... cos i def hate writing,

any clue will help...


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