Published Dec 18, 2006
110 Posts
hi everyone-
i would like to take anatomy & physiology at macomb cc because i would only have to take the one class to fill a pre-requisite compared to taking two classes (anatomy and physiology i and anatomy and physiology ii) at oakland cc. does anyone know the difference between work loads of taking the one a&p class at mcc versus the two classes at occ?
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
hi everyone-i would like to take anatomy & physiology at macomb cc because i would only have to take the one class to fill a pre-requisite compared to taking two classes (anatomy and physiology i and anatomy and physiology ii) at oakland cc. does anyone know the difference between work loads of taking the one a&p class at mcc versus the two classes at occ?
yes, i've taken a&p at macomb (although it was 14 years ago:o) ). i ended up dropping it. too much info in one semester. i'm talking a&p lecture and cadaver lab several days a week. i'm sure some people pass, or else they wouldn't still have it, right?
27 Posts
Well there are two different types of A&P classes at Macomb. There is 2730 which is A&P without the cadavar lab and 2310 with the cadavar lab. From what everyone has been saying 2310 is the hard of the two classes, but there is information overload in both. The macomb nursing program only allows the 2730 to be credited for the nursing students according to their advisors at central campus. But if you are transfering somewhere else I would check to see if that class will transfer to the university of your choice cause some don't.
Michelle :)
the macomb class descriptions are currently:
bio 2710 - students will not receive credit for both biol-2710 and biol-2310. this course is designed for students in health and human services programs. it is an intensive lecture/laboratory course emphasizing the basic concepts and principles of human anatomy and physiology. biol-1000 is strongly recommended as a prerequisite to biol-2710 for those planning to transfer to a four-year health science program. (7 contact hrs) center campus.
bio 2310 - students will not receive credit for both biol-2710 and biol-2310. an integrated lecture/laboratory course in human anatomy and physiology stressing the importance of homeostatic mechanisms in organ system functions. the laboratory includes physiological experiments and use of cadavers in anatomical studies.
it looks like 2710 is the course that does not use cadavers...or maybe the course description just doesn't mention it?
thanks for the information, michelle :)
2710 doesn't use cadavars. They use plastic models of each section of the body in the lab.
232 Posts
Do you know if you can take the cadavar lab separate w/out the lecture?
The labs are intergraded with the class so I don't believe so. At Oakland University they have the cadavar lab as a seperate class (BIO 206). It's a 1 credit class they offer.
155 Posts
As mentioned above, Macombs 2710 did not transfer for me as a A+P I and II. They made me retake A+P II. It was the same thing. If you can take it as separate classes do it.
15 Posts
i have been doing the lpn/rn program at occ for the last year and a half and currently only have to take hap2, microbiology (taking both this coming semester) and chemistry to be "accepted" into the lpn program but this last semester i took hap1.
after talking to a couple of different students during the course of the semester overall occs hap classes are all around harder then mcc. also i took prof. anderson and we took a "field trip" to ou to look at cadevers.
i highly suggest taking the hap classes at occ its harder but will make it easier on you in the long run.
btw i took just hap1 working 40hours on a varying swing shift and i have very little time to study ( i dropped my hours to compensate this semester ) and ended with a b- =/
good luck and maybe i will see you on campus
occ nursing student