Published Nov 15, 2019
6 Posts
I have been in the CA diversion program for 3 months. Got a positive PEth test and now they say I need inpatient for 30 days. I’m not in the program for alcohol or narcotics. Problem is I have a 7 year old and nobody to care for him. Anyone else had this issue? If so how did you get through it?
SpankedInPittsburgh, DNP, RN
1,847 Posts
Oh god I’m sorry. I honestly don’t know what to tell you and I can only offer my support. I suppose that one way to attack the problem is to simply state the truth to them. Tell them you cannot abandon your child to do inpatient and try to work out an alternative
Thank you so much for the support. I’ve been honest with them about EVERYTHING. But I suppose they don’t really give two s***s. They figure you do the “crime” you do the time.
Yeah but they cannot really expect you to abandon your child. Besides being called completely the wrong thing to do it’s illegal. If there is nobody to watch the 7 year old what’s to be done. In my personal opinion in patent rehab is an expensive and supremely dull way to spend a bunch of your insurance companies money