Published Jan 23, 2007
isabing, ASN
61 Posts
I will be graduating in June from an ADN program. I have my first job interview on Wednesday for a position in Maternity. This position is the reason I went to nursing school. I was feeling great about the interview until today. My son was in the hospital since Friday evening and we just got home an hour ago. I feel very unprepared for this interview. I work at this hospital as a Unit Clerk, so I am skipping the Human Resources part of the process and interviewing with an Assistant Nurse Manager on the floor. I have searched this site for interview questions for new grads applying for a maternity position, but I cannot find any. I will keep looking, but in the meantime I was wondering if you all would please give me a few ideas as to the type of questions I will be asked that so I can be prepared, and also feel a bit more relaxed when I am put on the spot. A very good friend of mine interviewed last Wednesday and they called her Friday and offered her a job in oncology (just where she wanted to be!). She told me a few of the questions they asked her, but they were all Med/Surg type questions. Am I wrong in assuming my questions will be different? I greatly appreciate all replies. Please hurry!
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
I will be graduating in June from an ADN program. I have my first job interview on Wednesday for a position in Maternity. This position is the reason I went to nursing school. I was feeling great about the interview until today. My son was in the hospital since Friday evening and we just got home an hour ago. I feel very unprepared for this interview. I work at this hospital as a Unit Clerk, so I am skipping the Human Resources part of the process and interviewing with an Assistant Nurse Manager on the floor. I have searched this site for interview questions for new grads applying for a maternity position, but I cannot find any. I will keep looking, but in the meantime I was wondering if you all would please give me a few ideas as to the type of questions I will be asked that so I can be prepared, and also feel a bit more relaxed when I am put on the spot. A very good friend of mine interviewed last Wednesday and they called her Friday and offered her a job in oncology (just where she wanted to be!). She told me a few of the questions they asked her, but they were all Med/Surg type questions. Am I wrong in assuming my questions will be different? I greatly appreciate all replies. Please hurry!Thanks!Lisa
My questions honestly weren't much different than the med/surg interviews I've been on. Good luck to you and let us know how it goes!
:w00t: I just wanted to let you all know that I got the job! I'm so happy!:roll
I start August 6th! Now all I have to do is graduate!:chuckle
18 Posts
Hi there. Congratulations!
i'm curious. could you share the questions that were asked during your interview?
Thank you. (i'm just a lurker and hopefully will start my clinical this fall)
She asked me:
Why I want to work in LDRP.
What I would do/how I would feel if I got to work (as a unit clerk) and the person before me did not finish everything they should have.
How I handle co-workers that treat me crappy.
And what she called the "Miss America" question:
You've just finished your orientation and you have your first client all to yourself. The doctor walks in the room and says, "Oh great another new nurse. I wish they had someone around here that knew what they were doing." right in front of the client. How would you respond to that comment?
I can't remember a time that I have been more nervous. My eyes actually got a little teary at one point. I wanted this job more than anything. It's the reason I went back to school. I am so relieved that I'm over that giant hurdle. Now I can concentrate on finishing school.
30 Posts
Congrats on getting the job. I interview nurses hoping for a job in our L and D unit and I can tell you that it isn't so important what you say in response to the questions as it is in How you say it. As a Hirer/Firer I am more interested in the way an individual presents themselves ie. confident but not cocky, willing to learn, not a know-it-all,knows when they don't know. I know that you got the job but i hope this might help others in your previous situation
I agree 100% that it is how you present yourself, but it doesn't hurt to have an idea of what you'll be asked so you can actually speak without fumbling for words. I am usually very laid back and I am not shy at all. I function quite well until I feel like I am being put on the spot, especially if my entire future is riding on the impression I make. Then everything just snowballs. My mouth dries up, my tongue feels huge, my eyes get teary, my heart starts skipping, and my brain takes a lunch break. It's always a good idea to prepare as much as possible beforehand.
20,964 Posts
I have actually had a dr do that to me recently (after starting a new job). He said "well we will see what little you know" and I said, "and I will see how much or little YOU KNOW too---this should be interesting for both of us". I smiled the whole time and it blew over.
HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR you will need it!