Materials that I've Used for NCLEX


  1. What are you using to study?

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I get a lot of questions such as "What about SAUNDERS? How do you feel about KAPLAN? NSCBN?" I just wanted to make a separate post of all the materials I've encountered.

This is how I feel about the following materials and MY personal experience. In no way am I saying you HAVE to follow me or you will fail. Also, if you have your own methods, you are more than welcome to stick to what you have or to mix it up.

Please do not be a non-therapeutic nurse and write negative responses. We all study differently. Thank you!



This one is my absolute favorite for content review. How is it content review if you're just answering questions? Because it keeps asking you questions on the same diseases in that chapter. It keeps reinforcing the rationales in you.


I felt like it was simple and easy to go through. I think you need less than a week to do this book and DEFINITELY helps you prepare for the SATAs of the NCLEX. Plus, it's cheap on amazon. YAY


NCLEX-RN Prioritization & NCLEX-RN Alt-format Davismobile. These are two apps that I used. If you ask me what I thought of the NCLEX, I think that these two apps are the perfect two combination of the NCLEX. I felt like these apps were a LOT harder than the NCLEX itself. If you already have the book, then stick with it! It's the same questions. However, if you want portability when you're out and about or something to use while lying down before you sleep, by all means go for the apps! (But please get it in conjunction with a content review if you're unsure of content)


This girl sells the study guide that I used. I did not have time to make a study guide for myself. It is based off of the rationales from Saunders & Kaplan. Please don't ask me to sell or give it for free. It's not mine to distribute. It's not a scam. If you want to use your OWN study guide, by ALL means, it is even better if you made your own. I am not saying you have to take this option. Some people used ONLY this study guide and passed in 75qs. I too passed in 75 questions.

I don't have time to go back to and re-read everything I read a few weeks ago. I also know that I don't remember what I read from that long ago. That's why I felt like this study guide did save me.

OTHER MATERIALS I'VE USED IN THE PAST: (I've looked at more, but these are the main ones)

KAPLAN - This is good IF I already know the content, but when I used KAPLAN, I didn't know the content. I felt like the rationales were not sticking.

NCSBN - This was way too dry and bland. I actually didn't go past the first few pages.

SAUNDERS - I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE CD. I LOVE the comprehensive review. Too bad I don't have the attention span to sit through the entire thing. IF you don't, at least go through the CD. Listen to the audio clips, download it, listen in the car, or listen before you sleep. The audio track's really great at explaining stuff!

PDA - It's a great book. Too bad it gets tedious to keep flipping back and forth, which honestly makes me lazy to check the rationales. But definitely a great great alternate to the Prioritization APP that I mentioned earlier. I really don't have anything bad to say about the book.

EXAM CRAM - This is a great and easy way to understand content. It's easy on the eyes and doesn't feel overwhelming at all. It still didn't help me answer questions or learn as much as from the EASY Q&A book. Again, my opinion.

PEARLS OF WISDOM NCLEX-RN REVIEW - It's just questions and answer without any multiple choice. It asks you a question and beneath it, it just directly tells you the answer. That's for those who doesn't feel like having any options. I got it for $3 on amazon. It didn't really help me pass the nclex on its own. It was just an easier read when I'm not in the mood to use multiple choice.


Is it prioritizing? What will the nurse do FIRST? What tasks should be delegated to WHO?

Stick with the davismobile prioritization app (other options: PDA book)

Is it SATAs and charts? EKGs? Images?

Stick with davismobile alternate format (other options: LIPPINCOTT'S NCLEX-RN ALTERNATE-FORMAT QUESTIONS, saunders alternate Qs in the CD)

Is it content in general and you don't want to read all 1000 pages? You don't really remember what you read a few weeks ago? You don't want to make your own study guide? Someone did it for you.

Stick with the study guide. (Other options: Just trust your own notes. You don't NEED the study guide. It is just useful. Don't ask me to give it to you or sell it to you. It is NOT mine to distribute.)

If it's a combination, then I honestly would get the combination because that price is going to be better than dropping $200 on another NCLEX exam if you are unprepared (but I have a feeling you are prepared already and just reading this for reassurances!)

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