Masters Degree Option


Hello all! I have my RN,BSN and in the work I've done I have had my hands in many pots. When looking at masters programs all I seem to see is the same few options. I was hoping for advice and ideas as to programs, colleges etc that have different masters programs that will still accept my nursing degrees. I realize it may sound vague, but I'm an out of the box thinker so I'm open to anything! Thanks to all!

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

If you have a BSN from an accredited school, there should be no reason why any legit grad program would not "accept" your degree. Are you thinking of a non-nursing masters? If not, do you have a specific area for specialization in mind for your MSN? There isn't much 'out of the box' potential because there are core requirements stipulated by accreditation agencies.

If you're talking about non-nursing Master's degrees. are you planning on staying in nursing? If you plan to stay in nursing, rather than using an advanced degree to get out of nursing into some other field, you will not find any Master's degrees in other subjects (except maybe an MBA) that will benefit you professionally as much as an MSN will. There's a time and place for "'out of the box' thinking, and a reason why nurses get advanced degrees in nursing. :)

Unlike generalist, "basic" nursing degrees, most MSNs pretty much lock you into a specific professional role and career path. Rather than just looking around for a Master's program that sounds interesting, I encourage you to think seriously about where you want your career to go, what you want to end up doing -- and then figure out what degree (or certification, or whatever -- not all interesting nursing careers require advanced degrees) you need to get you there.

Best wishes for your journey!

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