Mass Casualty & Multi-System Failure


Specializes in Hospice, Oncology.

Help - These are new nursing topics, and I don't see a whole lot of this in my NCLEX books. My class is preparing for a test on these topics next week. Is anyone aware of any on-line resources for NCLEX style questions covering Mass Casualty & Multi System Failure?

I would appreciate any assistance someone has to offer!! Thank you.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

i have not looked for weblinks on these subjects. mass casualty is basically triaging and disaster preparedness. there might be something on the fema sight and some states have departments similar to fema. i'm thinking that i have seen something for california since we have a lot of fires and concerns about earthquakes. but, honestly, i haven't looked for anything.

i do have a book on multi-system disorders: nurse's 5-minute clinical consult: multisystem disorders from lww. it covers about 100 disorders which are life threatening and involve several body systems at one time. as i thumb through the book, the major focus with every problem is the assessment and in a number of situations how the assessment differentiates it from the various situations that could occur. it also gives the treatments and the treatment of the complications that come up. what i see are pretty much the illnesses that land a patient in the intensive care units. shock, heart, renal and respiratory problems are there, but also metabolic, electrolyte and hormonal problems as well.

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