Marymount accelerated BSN Spring 2011

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi! I was was wondering if anyone applied to Marymount's accelerated BSN program for Spring 2011. I found out I just got in, and I just had some questions. Thanks so much!

OK I was going to apply here but was a bit freaked by the price tag... how do you guys plan to pay for this? Cuz if there is an automatic loan approval I'm deffininately applying!

Hey everyone, I also got accepted into marymounts program to begin this january! was super excited when i recieved that letter...but now thinking about it and how hard i've heard it is, i'm starting to get nervous and scared. as far as financially, not too sure how i'm going to pay for it, heard from dr. ***** that its around 45-50k for the entire program. how are you guys planning on paying for it, loans? excited to meet everyone soon!

It is a little bit more "pricey" than instate tuition at a public university, but I have been doing a little research and there are definitely options for loans. I contacted the financial aid office, and the first thing they are going to tell you to do is fill out the FAFSA. It is a pain (I am sure you have all done one before), but it has to be done. I am waiting to hear back from Marymount after they get my FAFSA to tell me what student loans I am eligible to apply for (hopefully one with a LOW interest rate). I am very new to all of this. The financial aid office also told me that if what I am eligible to receive is not enough, there are private companies that you can go through... I believe they told me Wells Fargo and Discover have some pretty good ones. I hope this helps! I will keep you all posted as I hear about more things! Have a great day :)

Also, Ms. ***** said to be expecting an email the week of November 8th with information about the orientation, class registration, etc...By chance does anyone know when the orientation is? I know they haven't said anything about it yet, but I figured I would ask *just in case* someone has talked to a faculty member/prof...Thanks!!

Yea, I already submitted my FAFSA as well...just waiting to hear back from Marymount. How much do the accelerated BSN program go for? Is the price of Marymount not really all that bad compared to other accelerated programs?

It's 30,000 a year... :/ I don't think I'd qualify for loans... Recently divorced which lead to bankruptcy ... Poo... I guess it won't hurt to try right?

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Congrats on everyone's acceptance! I'll begin in spring 2011 as well and just found the Facebook page. I emailed Dr. **** to see if she knew when the orientation will be held because I'm trying to make holiday travel plans. I'll let you know if she writes back with some info.

See you in January! :nurse:

Hey everyone! I recently got accepted to Marymount's accelerated program to start in the Spring, also! Congratulations to all of you :) k_moran--I'm having trouble finding the facebook page. Does it normally pop up when you type it into "Search"?

Hey everyone! I recently got accepted to Marymount's accelerated program to start in the Spring, also! Congratulations to all of you :) k_moran--I'm having trouble finding the facebook page. Does it normally pop up when you type it into "Search"?

Hey! It's a facebook page and not a group-- which may be the confusing part (which means when you find it you just have to "like" it to see all of the info on it). It should be searchable, but you'll probably have to type the exact title to find it: Marymount Accelerated BSN Spring 2011. Look forward to seeing you in the Spring! :)

Sorry everyone. The facebook page has been deleted due to Marymount already having a wiki to connect and get accurate information about the program.

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