Maricopa Comm College Admission ??



So I have an admissions question that I can't get a clear answer on. Maybe one of you out there can help me out. So, the admissions packet says you need a C or 2.0 in the pre-reqs to be admitted. Well, I got all A, B, and C's except one D. My grade point will be over a 2.0, but will the one D keep me out?? Thanks in advance!

-Hating BIO 202 @ Rio

My understanding is that you have to receive a C or better in each class. Unfortunately I think you will have to retake it.

Best of luck.


So I have an admissions question that I can't get a clear answer on. Maybe one of you out there can help me out. So, the admissions packet says you need a C or 2.0 in the pre-reqs to be admitted. Well, I got all A, B, and C's except one D. My grade point will be over a 2.0, but will the one D keep me out?? Thanks in advance!

-Hating BIO 202 @ Rio

Is the class you received a D in a pre-req? If it is you will ned to retake it before you submit your application.......Or, you can submit your application as a provisional one as long as you are enrolled in the class that you need to retake.....

Specializes in Cardiac.

What class is the D in? If it's A&P, then don't you need a B average in those two classes?

Thanks for all your quick replies, even if its not what I want to hear. Can you believe all the BIO 202 at MCC are already full and registration to the public doesn't start until monday??? crazy!! Yes, its bio 202, a&p, but no, you only need a C or 2.0

They do fill up quickly, but at some of the schools you can get on a waitlist. Also you could show up on the first day of class there is usually someone who doesn't show and the instructor can add you at that point. You can also do it online with Rio, but imo, that could be even harder, I don't care for online science classes. Good luck!

I have had more luck getting into BIO classes at South Mountain CC. Depending where you live it can be a bit of a drive, but I had great experiences with the instructors there. Hope you find a class to get into.

Specializes in OR, Telemetry, PCCU, Med/Surg.

Or you could take it online at Rio Salado where classes start every 2 weeks. Of course I don't know if online class is something you would want to get into... Good luck anyways!

Specializes in Pediatric ICU.

I would definitely repeat that class. You really need a firm understanding of A&P to do well in NS. It will benefit you to take your time and learn it well because you will draw on your knowledge SO many times from that class.

Trying registering for 202 at Gateway CC there are 4 bio 202 classes there and they still all have openings that is where I am taking it at and I love Gateway...much easier to get into Bio classes than MCC.

Some recent changes..and Yes you need a "C" or better..

Maricopa Community College Nursing website now states...

  1. Effective January 2, 2008, the Nursing Program will no longer accept provisional applications. Only applications that meet all admission requirements are accepted.

Thought it would be helpful info...

Requirements for a Complete Application:

    1. o Nurse Entrance Exam - official evidence of required scores within 24 months of application

    2. o Fingerprint Clearance Card - copy of front and back of current card

    3. o Statement of High School graduation or GED

    4. o Grade of "C" or better for the Pre-requisites and official transcripts on file at the college of first choice:

    5. PSY101 Introduction to Psychology

    6. CHM130/130LL Fundamental Chemistry/1 year high school chem. with lab

    7. BIO201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    8. MAT 120-122 Intermediate Algebra or higher Mathematics
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