Maricopa CEP Fall 2018

U.S.A. Arizona



I did not see a forum for us that have applied this round of CEP for Fall 2018, so I figured I would start one.

I applied for GCC weekend and Ottawa with 19 points (I believe).

Absolutely! Please stay in touch! The point thing was a guessing game for me. Nobody actually gave me my points when applying, but from what I'm gathering from the rubric which was recently posted, I had around 22 pts. I wasn't sure which classes were used vs. not included when determining my GPA. But regardless, I had all A's and B's in my seven pre-requisite courses over the past year. I have a previous degree from Clemson University.

Anyone get acceptances from MCC/CGCC yet?

Nothing from MCC from everyone I've seen on here or on the Facebook group. Good luck!

Does anyone know when the next CEP application begins and ends?

I think may-june

@lolaaaaaaajones, did you not get accepted this round ?

@lizzie2512 I'm not sure yet, just thinking that I won't get in this round because my points need to be higher. So just thinking about my options to getting my points higher.

I applied for MCC/ CGCC this round and no one has said they were accepted from there yet, so I'm not sure yet. Did you get accepted?

@lolaaaaajones I haven't received anything which doesn't leave me with a great feeling haha. My hesi score wasn't as high as everyone else so I think it killed me.

I received an acceptance email for PVCC/ ASU around 2pm today. I had 23 points. Good luck to everyone!

Over the last several semesters different schools have let people know on different days. Plus there is always the second round of acceptance. It doesn't matter when you get accepted, just what you do with your chance when you do!

The acceptance emails roll out over several days, so don't worry just yet. Additionally, not everyone who gets an offer of a place will accept, which opens up seats. People drop out right through, and up until days before the start of the semester (not many, but it happens).

If you don't get an offer, you can immediately reapply for the next round of CEP selection.

I got my acceptance for Gateway Evening/ASU around midnight! 23 points!

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