Nursing Students Pre-Nursing
Published Jan 22, 2007
4 Posts
Anyone know if this school is a good way to become an RN?? Its accredited, but Im not sure if many hospitals accept people from them. I want to specialize in OB/GYN..I have yet to sign up for any, but am testing tomorrow!!! Its just a lot of money if it's not worth it..Id rather go in through a community college if it'll get the job and RN program I need,
any info is grearly appreciated!
Gracias ,:wink2:
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
The vast majority of employers focus their attention on the RN license, not the school where the nursing education was received. I can attest to the fact that most bedside nurses have never been asked about their nursing school program by bosses or potential employers. If you are a warm body with a valid license and some common sense, you will be hired. Good luck to you.
26 Posts
I'm getting ready to start at Maric after playing around at Grossmont for a year. My suggestion to you is to call a couple HR offices at the local hospitals and talk to someone. Personally I made my decision after speaking to a few nurses and other staff members at the Naval Medical Center. I've heard good things thus far so I'm starting early 2008.
19 Posts
Huffy, Have you heard that you are for sure in the Jan start program? I have been doing the whole application process and writing my entrance essay but have been told we will not find out if we are in until December?
As for the origional question, In my personal oppinion Maric is a good way to go for your RN. I know it gets a bad rep but really once you are in the program everything is all packaged up and ready to go for you. I tried to go the community college route and felt all alone and stressed if I was going to get into certain classes and everything, but at maric once they say your in they sign you up for all your classes all of your books are taken care of. Its just a more secure "packaged" deal from my point of view. But yes it is expensive :) I got my cna liscence with maric, and now will hopefully be starting in Jan for the RN.
3 Posts
Hi cacori2006,
Do you know about the 2 months CNA experience needed for the ADN?
Can I do a volunteer work and how many hours is required per day?
What kind of letter do you need to show to Maric that you worked as a CNA?