Mar09 COT - Questions PLEASE


As the subject/title explains it I am going to going to COT Mar09.

I am the type of person that needs all questions answered and need to know absolutely everything about everything. I research A LOT and have found the COT website to be unsatisfactory (in my opinion). This is due to the fact that I have reviewed the COT website and done the "looking up forums" and found that there is A LOT of stuff out there that they dont tell you on the website.

I am just looking for TIPS, HELP, or ANYTHING that we/I should know before going to COT and then the process of going to my first assignment.

For example,

I have heard the tips on the uniforms and attempting to get them before going to COT - but in my case and for others that cant be done. And the people who help us at COT giving us (too big) uniforms. And the sewn on vs. taped on emblems,rank, etc.

I have heard of bringing a car. Not that it helps with transportation but because it helps make you feel human. What do you do after? Drive it to the base? What if its too far to drive?

I have heard of brining a laptop and printer. What if you dont have one?

Also bring the cell phone.

What about the spouse/family/etc. is it worth it for them to make the trek to the graduation? I heard of family week or something it is worth it for them to come?

Also i am a MALE. if theres any males out there help me out. If not, Im sure you females can help me out with tips about what kind of underwear, socks, etc to wear. or any other tips


Thank YOU

Specializes in Flight/ICU/CCU/ED/Trauma.

COT 10-03 is in March of 2010, not 2009. is a great site that will give you up to date answers to almost every question you asked.

I would not buy a computer and printer if you don't already have one.

As far as uniforms, talk to your recruiter...they should be able to get you on a base and get your basic issue of uniforms purchased. Even if it's hours away from a base, you'll be better off than trying to do it at COT. If it's truely impossible, then you'll have to get them at COT. You won't be the only one.

Bring your cell phone. You won't carry it around, but you'll be able to use it in the evening.

The car is up to you. You will only have travel time from Maxwell to your new duty station, so you won't have time to go back home and get it; but if you have a spouse that is going to be coming to graduation, she could drive down and you could travel together.

Underwear...whatever's comfortable for you.

Socks...they have to be sage green for ABU's, I recommend UnderArmour. Dress socks for mess dress and service, comfortable dress socks.

When it comes to uniform clothing (including sand colored undershirts for ABU's) there are "issue" brands and "commercial" brands. The commercial brands are usually a little more expensive, but are usually a bit better quality. They all meet USAF standards.

Good luck in March.

Specializes in LTAC/ ICU.

Ok, first let me tell you this is coming from someone that is prior enlisted but the commissioning thing is all new to me. I too will be attending March COT.

If there is any way for you to begin the task of purchasing uniforms it is helpful. The uniforms are very expensive if you try and buy them all together. The fabric is horrible and they never fit right so it would be great to attempt to get at least your blues altered. The mess dress is your formal attire and is required and will have to be altered and with everything else going on during COT (as far as class work and needing to study) you really don't want the hassle of trying to run around getting alterations when you could be trying to de-stress or just study.

Your rank either has to be sewn on or pinned. I recommend the sewn on because it is more comfortable, but the pinned on will due until after COT. Some bases require brass/ shinier where some require subdued/ dull and that also depends on whether or not you are wearing BDU's or ABU's. I wouldn't recommend buying BDU's because they are about to be unauthorized for wear and you will only be allowed to wear ABU's.

As far as having a vehicle, I am bringing mine with me because it is not that far of a drive for me and my next duty station is not far either. You don't have to have a car because everything on base is within walking distance and I am sure someone with a car will be more than willing to give you a lift if you need one.

You will need a computer, but they will supply you with one if you don't have your own and you can live without a printer. A printer is nice to have if there is something pressing you need to print out, but you can always go to the base library and borrow theirs at a small fee for paper. There is going to be a lot of memorization work and most people like to copy and fold it to place in a pocket for reading in between class times.

Family is always nice to have at graduation, but it not required. I know some people can't afford the travel expenses and believe me there will be other opportunities for family to see you in uniform for other ceremonies, don't sweat that.

I am not a male, so I can't give you a whole lot of advice about that but my husband wears boxer briefs instead of boxers for comfort in his ABU's and physical training gear and black ones for wear in his formal wear because they are thin and lines can show thru. Socks can be green/tan for ABU's, black/navy for formal and white for PT.

I hope this helps a little...

The only rank allowed on ABUs PER REG (this really annoys me because it would seem the correct information isn't being read by higher ups somewhere) is subdued. Somewhere, someone's not reading the supplement, which is from DAF and is not subject to interpretation by base or command. The uniform board just convened about six or so months ago to clear all this up.

And I have no idea where the shiny rank on BDUs came from - there's no supplement to AFI 36-2903 that permits that either. You used to get by with shiny rank on your Gortex because no other pin on rank existed - but that was back when I was in in the 1990s and Gortex jackets were issued items and were like GOLD - only certain AFSCs were issued them. You couldn't go into clothing sales and get one off the rack like you can now, and no appropriate rank existed for them. Enlisted used to wear the pin on rank they now wear on their short blues jacket - and apparently that's going away when the BDUs go away, and they'll have to wear stripes on their jackets, which I think looks hideous and I'm sorry they have to do that. (I'll stay off my soapbox...)

I'm a former AF SF K-9 handler and used to work protocol for my unit. I'm a big reg shark - sometimes, I'll admit, to a fault.

As for COT - all the advice about doing as much of your uniform stuff ahead of time is right on. If you can get your rank sewn on, do it - I saw lots of folks who'd forget to pin their rank back on their uniforms after washing them, and I know if I hadn't had mine sewn on ahead of time I would have been one of them!

OH - if you're able to go into a commissary before you leave (and they might have them at a nicer sporting goods store as well) - they now make special drink flavor packets for Camelbacks! The water there is FULL of chlorine and I would have loved to have had these packets when I was there. They're specifically for Camelbacks - do not put Kool-Aid or anything else like that it because you'll never get it clean.

There's a trick for getting the plastic taste out of them - soak it overnight full of salt water and then rinse it really well. Gets the plastic taste out and it WON'T taste like salt. Sounds stupid but it works.

Specializes in Certified Pediatric Nurse.

Do we need to purchase a camelback before going to COT? If so, is there a specific type, color, etc. they require?

No - they will issue you one, believe it or not.

Specializes in L&D, mother/baby, antepartum.
No - they will issue you one, believe it or not.

You all got Camelbacks????? So you didn't have to lug around the canteens or was the Camelback just an extra? My COT class didn't get them a few years ago. That was one of the suggestions we made to the leadership at the end of my class. Glad someone listened! I hope the box lunches were improved too. If I never see another box of Frosted Flakes in my lifetime I'll be a happy woman.

Specializes in Med/Surg, PCU, Geriatrics, Family Practi.

carolinapooh-thanks so much for all of your advice, tips and information. I for one am MOST grateful.

for all March COT people there is a facebook page USAF COT10-03 where we are connecting. lets get the word out there.

so that list they provide on the cot website. We need to have all those things prior to cot? Does that mean we bring a huge luggage because we are going to purchase a lot more things at COT (uniforms) or can we purchase everything there? What do you suggest?

Specializes in Cardiac-Tele.


In an effort to buy my boots and hopefully uniforms before COT, I am going with my recruiter the next time he takes some hopefuls to their chief nurse interviews. You might want to see if your recruiter would be willing to take you on base with him/her the next time he goes, my recruiter was more then willing but I had to ask. Just a suggestion...

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