i am going thru orientation and my manager said she is going to gradually build up my patient care load until i reach the max. we (me and my fellow co-horts) will start out with 1 then 2 and so on till we reach 5-6. but on another floor which is a med-surg floor also with 27 beds at the same hospital, the new grads stated they are getting 3-4 patients on the very first day (which was today) and they were doing "everything" with the preceptor just observing and being called as need (hmmm a bit scary, in my opinion). isnt that a bit much for the first day or should we also get that many pts on the first day????? these new grads on that particular floor says we are being "baby-ed" onto the job and we need more patients. its only the first week dude, i was like "did they really just state that, that was a slap in the face". probaly would seem a bit overwhelmed with that many to start out on the first day. i really love the way my mgr has it planned out. from last year my floor still has all of her new grads (9 total) and the other floor has no new grads from last year. i need some input from others about this.