Managing fitness in Nursing school

Nursing Students General Students


Hey everyone, so I start NS in the fall. I heard from many that nursing students gain weight from all the stress. I go to the gym anywhere from 3-5 days a week, training legs, arms shoulders, back on different days. It's important to me. Is anyone else a gym gower that can give me some tips? Thank you :)

Yes working out is important! I have hypothyroidism so working out and eating right are a must for me! I workout whenever I can, even if all I can do is a 30 minute run or walking my dog around the neighborhood. During study breaks I do body weight exercises or clean a room in my house. Recording lectures and listening to them while working out helps too. Meal prep! Bring food from home, snack on fresh fruits and veggies. It can be time consuming but well worth it. Also, don't beat yourself up if you miss a week of working out. In nursing school you will have those weeks you are so busy you just can't make it to the gym and that is OK. School is your priority. One mistake I made was that I worked out after class the day before a big med-surg exam. Then I came home and made a healthy meal for dinner. I only studied about an hour or two and i bombed the test the next day. (I was so upset I studied my butt off for the next exam and got 100%). Lesson learned...when it comes to working out or studying for an exam..remember studying comes first. It may also help to have a planner and try scheduling your workouts, but again missing a workout here and there is completely OK. Good luck!

Hi, I found your topic. Unfortunately weight is a problem not only for students. I'm on a low-carb diet right now. I dnt like atmosphere of the gym, but I prefer to train at home. I want to buy a good trainer for this purpose. but dont know which one is best to choose reaview for to involve all muscle groups.Treadmill not for me couse I dony like run.I have bike, prefer to ride on the street

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